Uroskinnera flavida Lundell ex R.E.Schult.on limestone rock Shrub; corolla yellowis
Citharexylum spathulatum Moldenke & Lundell, determined by H.N. Moldenke 1961on sand in scrub Shrub...
Miconia pailasana WurdackShrub 3 m. Pubescence on young twigs red; on old, golden-brown. Lvs dull ...
Gratiola flava, Corolla - from front. Family Scrophulariaceae, Subclass Asteridae. Origin: Native
Conostegia lundellii Gleason, determined by C.E. Schnell 1969Wet sand on granite; creek bed Shrub; ...
Levenhookia pulcherrima CarlquistIn flats of hard packed sand of Casuarina woodland Corolla rose to...
Monopyle flava L.E.SkogHerb 0.5-1.5 m., occasional in moist ravine. Corolla yellow, maroon-dotted i...
Euphrasia williamsii B.L.Rob.Stony ground and crevices of rocks Corolla brownish-purple, with a sma...
Stachytarpheta lundellae Moldenkecommon; herb; corolla cerise-red, purplish in throat
Byrsonima krukoffii W.R.AndersonMatto Grosso state?; Shrub, in terra firma; fls. yellow
Russelia polyedra LundellA perennial herb; height 1 to 1.5 m.; corolla bright red
Cufodontia arborea WoodsonLarge tree with milky sap, corolla contorted, pale gree
Seymeria pennellii B.L.Turner, determined by B.L. Turner 1995Rich slopes in pineland Herb, corolla ...
Byrsonima macrostachya W.R.AndersonTree 20 x 35 cm. diam. Buds with pink corolla and glands
Cavendishia crassifolia (Benth.) Hemsl., determined by J.L. Luteyn 1975In top of forest tree Shrub;...
Matelea stenosepala Lundelllow second growth Herbaceous vine, 6 ft. high, corolla reddish-blac
Citharexylum spathulatum Moldenke & Lundell, determined by H.N. Moldenke 1961on sand in scrub Shrub...
Miconia pailasana WurdackShrub 3 m. Pubescence on young twigs red; on old, golden-brown. Lvs dull ...
Gratiola flava, Corolla - from front. Family Scrophulariaceae, Subclass Asteridae. Origin: Native
Conostegia lundellii Gleason, determined by C.E. Schnell 1969Wet sand on granite; creek bed Shrub; ...
Levenhookia pulcherrima CarlquistIn flats of hard packed sand of Casuarina woodland Corolla rose to...
Monopyle flava L.E.SkogHerb 0.5-1.5 m., occasional in moist ravine. Corolla yellow, maroon-dotted i...
Euphrasia williamsii B.L.Rob.Stony ground and crevices of rocks Corolla brownish-purple, with a sma...
Stachytarpheta lundellae Moldenkecommon; herb; corolla cerise-red, purplish in throat
Byrsonima krukoffii W.R.AndersonMatto Grosso state?; Shrub, in terra firma; fls. yellow
Russelia polyedra LundellA perennial herb; height 1 to 1.5 m.; corolla bright red
Cufodontia arborea WoodsonLarge tree with milky sap, corolla contorted, pale gree
Seymeria pennellii B.L.Turner, determined by B.L. Turner 1995Rich slopes in pineland Herb, corolla ...
Byrsonima macrostachya W.R.AndersonTree 20 x 35 cm. diam. Buds with pink corolla and glands
Cavendishia crassifolia (Benth.) Hemsl., determined by J.L. Luteyn 1975In top of forest tree Shrub;...
Matelea stenosepala Lundelllow second growth Herbaceous vine, 6 ft. high, corolla reddish-blac
Citharexylum spathulatum Moldenke & Lundell, determined by H.N. Moldenke 1961on sand in scrub Shrub...
Miconia pailasana WurdackShrub 3 m. Pubescence on young twigs red; on old, golden-brown. Lvs dull ...
Gratiola flava, Corolla - from front. Family Scrophulariaceae, Subclass Asteridae. Origin: Native