Echinodorus tenellus var. parvulus (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Buchenau var. parvulus (Engelm) Fassett, determined by E.G. Voss 1959Swampy rich soil First Geological Survey of Michigan, 1837–1840, Douglass Houghton, State Geologist; Abram Sager, Botanist and Zoologist, 1837; John Wright, State Botanist, 1838, assisted by George H. BullThis quite likely is an isolectotype; cf. discussion in Mich. Bot. 6: 16-17. 1967; Michigan selected as type loc. by Small (N. Am. Fl. 17: 45. 1909).; The ink labels are by Miss E.C. Allmendinger who (ca. 1870), erroneously ascribed many collections to Houghton, with date 1838. Houghton is not known to have collected plants in St. Joseph Co. [NA duplicate (NA0080680) has habitat as "Swampy rich soil" The ...
Scientific name used in specmien book: Smilacina racemosa. Common name used in specmien book: False ...
Imprint on cover: Grand Rapids, Mich., C.N. White, job printer and book binder.Mode of access: Inter...
Acalypha californica Benth., determined by G.A. Levin 1993Protologue states "Northern Sonora, C.G. P...
Callirhoe triangulata (Leavenw.) A.Gray, determined by L.J. Dorr 1983probable Isolectotype, Attached...
Solidago houghtonii Torr. & A.GrayFirst Geological Survey of Michigan, 1837–1840, Douglass Houghton,...
Lysimachia × producta (A.Gray) FernaldSandy, damp woods First Geological Survey of Michigan, 1837–1...
Identification of the type and amount of microfossils in soils provides a unique manner in which inf...
This is a brief floristic survey of Micrasterias species in ten habitats near Douglas Lake in Northe...
Echinocereus angusticeps CloverOpen mesquite woods Type number cited is 15261 but Dr. Clover states...
The genus of interest (and an interesting genus it is) for the present work is Lycopus L. (Labiatae)...
Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides, E. multisetus) is a complex of 5 taxa whose systematic interrelation...
Hackelia ursina var. pustulata I.M.Johnst. var. pustulata (J.F.Macbr.) J.L.Gentry, determined by J.L...
Family: Fagaceae Species: Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. These were found at Miller\u27s Pond, specifically...
The historically important Hedwig-Schwägrichen collection in G contains type material linked with th...
(excerpt) Pasimachus elongatus LeConte is a large (21-28 mm), flightless ground beetle which occurs ...
Scientific name used in specmien book: Smilacina racemosa. Common name used in specmien book: False ...
Imprint on cover: Grand Rapids, Mich., C.N. White, job printer and book binder.Mode of access: Inter...
Acalypha californica Benth., determined by G.A. Levin 1993Protologue states "Northern Sonora, C.G. P...
Callirhoe triangulata (Leavenw.) A.Gray, determined by L.J. Dorr 1983probable Isolectotype, Attached...
Solidago houghtonii Torr. & A.GrayFirst Geological Survey of Michigan, 1837–1840, Douglass Houghton,...
Lysimachia × producta (A.Gray) FernaldSandy, damp woods First Geological Survey of Michigan, 1837–1...
Identification of the type and amount of microfossils in soils provides a unique manner in which inf...
This is a brief floristic survey of Micrasterias species in ten habitats near Douglas Lake in Northe...
Echinocereus angusticeps CloverOpen mesquite woods Type number cited is 15261 but Dr. Clover states...
The genus of interest (and an interesting genus it is) for the present work is Lycopus L. (Labiatae)...
Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides, E. multisetus) is a complex of 5 taxa whose systematic interrelation...
Hackelia ursina var. pustulata I.M.Johnst. var. pustulata (J.F.Macbr.) J.L.Gentry, determined by J.L...
Family: Fagaceae Species: Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. These were found at Miller\u27s Pond, specifically...
The historically important Hedwig-Schwägrichen collection in G contains type material linked with th...
(excerpt) Pasimachus elongatus LeConte is a large (21-28 mm), flightless ground beetle which occurs ...
Scientific name used in specmien book: Smilacina racemosa. Common name used in specmien book: False ...
Imprint on cover: Grand Rapids, Mich., C.N. White, job printer and book binder.Mode of access: Inter...
Acalypha californica Benth., determined by G.A. Levin 1993Protologue states "Northern Sonora, C.G. P...