Apatzingania arachoidea DieterleOld lava flow, shrub-covered and pastured; dense, black, fine-textured soil Prostrate vines 0.5-2 m long, often rooting at nodes; staminate flowers pure white, star-shaped, to 4.5 mm across; peduncles of pistillate flowers fleshy, lengthening to push maturing ovaries 0-3 cm underground; fruits obovoid, somewhat flattened, ca 1 cm long, spinulose or smooth, pale yellow and rather fleshy before drying, then light brown, with a thin fibrous coat loosely covering the single seed; seed buff-colored, flattened, obovate in outline 8x5x2 mm, ornamented with two sharply-angled rectangular faces; placental attachment proximal to peduncle