Trees, shrubs, lianas or rarely herbs, often with milky or viscid sap. Leaves opposite or sometimes verticillate or alternate, simple and always entire, penninerved. Stipules minute or mostly wanting. Flowers actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, arranged in racemose or cymose inflorescences or solitary. Calyx gamosepalous, 5-lobed, imbricate, often bearing glands (squamellae) within. Corolla gamepetalous, usually salver-shaped or funnelform, the tube occasionally bearing more or less conspicuous faucal appendages within (corona), the limb 5-parted, the lobes usually contorted in aestivation. Stamens (4—)5, inserted in the corolla-tube, alternating with the corolla-lobes; filaments usually short; anthers 4-celled, introrse, often sagittate and apic...