Holographis caput-medusae T.F.DanielTropical diciduous forest remnant in disturbed area Perennial herb to 4 dm; corolla whitish with light pink markings on lower lip; locally frequent. Location of holotype not on specimen shee
Henrya insularis Nees ex Benth., determined by T.F. Daniel 1988Location and date from protologue; lo...
Beloperone cochabambensis RusbyLocation of holotype not on specimen sheet; Type of Beloperone cochab...
Tetramerium emilyanum T.F.DanielDeciduous forest with Ipomoea, Heliocarpus, Tecoma, leguminous trees...
Justicia fortunensis T.F.Daniel & Wassh.Wet forest. Perennial herb to shrub to 1 m; bracts dark pin...
Dyschoriste novogaliciana T.F.DanielOak forest Wiry, vine-like perennial herb; corolla pink-purple;...
Justicia masiaca T.F.DanielWith Acacia and Pachycereus. Weak subshrub to 5 dm; corolla purple withi...
Justicia breedlovei T.F.DanielMontane Rain Forest Flowers orange. Shrub 4 feet tall. Location of h...
Carlowrightia henricksonii T.F.DanielCalichified sand upland with short brush and prairie openings o...
Ruellia guerrerensis T.F.DanielBarranca; 1 m. high; flower: yellow; location of holotype not on spec...
Justicia rohrii Vahl, determined by E.C. LeonardLocation of holotype not on specimen shee
Gomphrena vitellina PedersenEn cerrado próximo a Cerro Muralla. Flores amarillas. Location of holot...
Justicia secunda Vahl, determined by M. Meagher 1975Location of holotype not on specimen shee
Phoradendron calyculatum f. occidentale Trel. f. occidentale Trel.Holotype NOT INDICATED IN PROTOLOG...
Aphelandra pulcherrima H.B. & K., determined by L. McDade 2001aff. pulcherrima; date, locality, elev...
Acalypha vallartae McVaughthickets near shore In protologue: sheet 1 is holotype; common, spikes & ...
Henrya insularis Nees ex Benth., determined by T.F. Daniel 1988Location and date from protologue; lo...
Beloperone cochabambensis RusbyLocation of holotype not on specimen sheet; Type of Beloperone cochab...
Tetramerium emilyanum T.F.DanielDeciduous forest with Ipomoea, Heliocarpus, Tecoma, leguminous trees...
Justicia fortunensis T.F.Daniel & Wassh.Wet forest. Perennial herb to shrub to 1 m; bracts dark pin...
Dyschoriste novogaliciana T.F.DanielOak forest Wiry, vine-like perennial herb; corolla pink-purple;...
Justicia masiaca T.F.DanielWith Acacia and Pachycereus. Weak subshrub to 5 dm; corolla purple withi...
Justicia breedlovei T.F.DanielMontane Rain Forest Flowers orange. Shrub 4 feet tall. Location of h...
Carlowrightia henricksonii T.F.DanielCalichified sand upland with short brush and prairie openings o...
Ruellia guerrerensis T.F.DanielBarranca; 1 m. high; flower: yellow; location of holotype not on spec...
Justicia rohrii Vahl, determined by E.C. LeonardLocation of holotype not on specimen shee
Gomphrena vitellina PedersenEn cerrado próximo a Cerro Muralla. Flores amarillas. Location of holot...
Justicia secunda Vahl, determined by M. Meagher 1975Location of holotype not on specimen shee
Phoradendron calyculatum f. occidentale Trel. f. occidentale Trel.Holotype NOT INDICATED IN PROTOLOG...
Aphelandra pulcherrima H.B. & K., determined by L. McDade 2001aff. pulcherrima; date, locality, elev...
Acalypha vallartae McVaughthickets near shore In protologue: sheet 1 is holotype; common, spikes & ...
Henrya insularis Nees ex Benth., determined by T.F. Daniel 1988Location and date from protologue; lo...
Beloperone cochabambensis RusbyLocation of holotype not on specimen sheet; Type of Beloperone cochab...
Tetramerium emilyanum T.F.DanielDeciduous forest with Ipomoea, Heliocarpus, Tecoma, leguminous trees...