Beloperone cochabambensis RusbyLocation of holotype not on specimen sheet; Type of Beloperone cochabambensis Rusby (1896), non Beloperone cochabambensis Mildbr. (1927)
Justicia breedlovei T.F.DanielMontane Rain Forest Flowers orange. Shrub 4 feet tall. Location of h...
Orobanche laevis Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 2: 632. 1753, nom. utique rej. "Habitat Monspelii." R...
Acanthus dioscoridis Linnaeus, Centuria II Plantarum: 23. 1756. "Habitat in Libano." RCN: 4648. T...
Justicia rohrii Vahl, determined by E.C. LeonardLocation of holotype not on specimen shee
Beloperone ramulosa MorongLocation, month and location of holotype from protologu
Gomphrena vitellina PedersenEn cerrado próximo a Cerro Muralla. Flores amarillas. Location of holot...
Phoradendron calyculatum f. occidentale Trel. f. occidentale Trel.Holotype NOT INDICATED IN PROTOLOG...
Cobaea pachysepala Standl., determined by A. Prather 1995probable Isotype, Specimen Lacks #; Localit...
Dyschoriste novogaliciana T.F.DanielOak forest Wiry, vine-like perennial herb; corolla pink-purple;...
Sycocarpus rusbyi Britton, determined by T.D. PenningtonNo collection # given in protologue; Penning...
Acalypha jubifera Rusby Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants: 48 (R...
Justicia masiaca T.F.DanielWith Acacia and Pachycereus. Weak subshrub to 5 dm; corolla purple withi...
Cissampelos caapeba Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 2: 1032. 1753. "Habitat in America meridionali." R...
Justicia ecbolium Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 1: 15. 1753. "Habitat in Malabaria, Zeylona." RCN: 1...
Pholiota acutoconica A.H.Sm. & Hesler, determined by A. H. Smiththe original Latin description incor...
Justicia breedlovei T.F.DanielMontane Rain Forest Flowers orange. Shrub 4 feet tall. Location of h...
Orobanche laevis Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 2: 632. 1753, nom. utique rej. "Habitat Monspelii." R...
Acanthus dioscoridis Linnaeus, Centuria II Plantarum: 23. 1756. "Habitat in Libano." RCN: 4648. T...
Justicia rohrii Vahl, determined by E.C. LeonardLocation of holotype not on specimen shee
Beloperone ramulosa MorongLocation, month and location of holotype from protologu
Gomphrena vitellina PedersenEn cerrado próximo a Cerro Muralla. Flores amarillas. Location of holot...
Phoradendron calyculatum f. occidentale Trel. f. occidentale Trel.Holotype NOT INDICATED IN PROTOLOG...
Cobaea pachysepala Standl., determined by A. Prather 1995probable Isotype, Specimen Lacks #; Localit...
Dyschoriste novogaliciana T.F.DanielOak forest Wiry, vine-like perennial herb; corolla pink-purple;...
Sycocarpus rusbyi Britton, determined by T.D. PenningtonNo collection # given in protologue; Penning...
Acalypha jubifera Rusby Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants: 48 (R...
Justicia masiaca T.F.DanielWith Acacia and Pachycereus. Weak subshrub to 5 dm; corolla purple withi...
Cissampelos caapeba Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 2: 1032. 1753. "Habitat in America meridionali." R...
Justicia ecbolium Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 1: 15. 1753. "Habitat in Malabaria, Zeylona." RCN: 1...
Pholiota acutoconica A.H.Sm. & Hesler, determined by A. H. Smiththe original Latin description incor...
Justicia breedlovei T.F.DanielMontane Rain Forest Flowers orange. Shrub 4 feet tall. Location of h...
Orobanche laevis Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 2: 632. 1753, nom. utique rej. "Habitat Monspelii." R...
Acanthus dioscoridis Linnaeus, Centuria II Plantarum: 23. 1756. "Habitat in Libano." RCN: 4648. T...