Stenotus acaulis (Nutt.) Nutt., determined by C.A. Morse 2006Elevation in protologue is given as about 6000 ft, elevation 1700-2000 m on label; C.F. Baker #987 not mentioned in protologue
Apocynum cardiophyllum GreeneDate discrepancy. Greene says "Hackett's Meadows at 9000 feet. Culbert...
Ceanothus divergens ParryCalistoga ceanothusS. edge of Rincon Hilla. Santa Rosa Quadranglechaparral....
Notholaena grayi subsp. sonorensis Davenp. subsp. sonorensis Windham, determined by M.D. Windham 199...
Maranta pleiostachys Schum., determined by H. Kennedy 1972in protologue collector is H.H. Rusby & el...
Rauvolfia indecora WoodsonAltitude cited by Woodson as 2000 Ft. even though altitude is cited as 200...
Mitella stauropetala var.stenopetala (Piper) Rosend.Side-flower miterwortTeton Passshaded places8400...
Ceanothus dentatus Torr. & GrayDwarf ceanothus, Sandscrub ceanothus0.4 mile N.E. of Branch Mt. Plot...
Asplenium francii Rosenst.Elevation published as 200m, collector's number from protologue
Pectis stenophylla var. gentryi A.Gray var. gentryi D.J.Keil, determined by D.J. Keil 1973Volcanic f...
Licania stenocarpa Standl.Terra firma; high land. Tree 55 ft. high; trunk 6 inches diam
Cyathea magna Copel., determined by R.E. Holttum 1960Fagaceous forest, on very steep slope Two Shee...
Arachis kuhlmannii Krapov. & W.C.Greg.Elevation, lat-long, and part of locality from protologu
Xylopia trichostemon R.E.Fr.Tree 90 feet high; locaton of holotype not on specimen shee
Chrysophyllum acreanum A.C.Sm., determined by T.D. Pennington [from duplicate]terra firma Tree 40 f...
Coussapoa orthoneura Standl.Tree 110 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam. Terra firma; high land
Apocynum cardiophyllum GreeneDate discrepancy. Greene says "Hackett's Meadows at 9000 feet. Culbert...
Ceanothus divergens ParryCalistoga ceanothusS. edge of Rincon Hilla. Santa Rosa Quadranglechaparral....
Notholaena grayi subsp. sonorensis Davenp. subsp. sonorensis Windham, determined by M.D. Windham 199...
Maranta pleiostachys Schum., determined by H. Kennedy 1972in protologue collector is H.H. Rusby & el...
Rauvolfia indecora WoodsonAltitude cited by Woodson as 2000 Ft. even though altitude is cited as 200...
Mitella stauropetala var.stenopetala (Piper) Rosend.Side-flower miterwortTeton Passshaded places8400...
Ceanothus dentatus Torr. & GrayDwarf ceanothus, Sandscrub ceanothus0.4 mile N.E. of Branch Mt. Plot...
Asplenium francii Rosenst.Elevation published as 200m, collector's number from protologue
Pectis stenophylla var. gentryi A.Gray var. gentryi D.J.Keil, determined by D.J. Keil 1973Volcanic f...
Licania stenocarpa Standl.Terra firma; high land. Tree 55 ft. high; trunk 6 inches diam
Cyathea magna Copel., determined by R.E. Holttum 1960Fagaceous forest, on very steep slope Two Shee...
Arachis kuhlmannii Krapov. & W.C.Greg.Elevation, lat-long, and part of locality from protologu
Xylopia trichostemon R.E.Fr.Tree 90 feet high; locaton of holotype not on specimen shee
Chrysophyllum acreanum A.C.Sm., determined by T.D. Pennington [from duplicate]terra firma Tree 40 f...
Coussapoa orthoneura Standl.Tree 110 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam. Terra firma; high land
Apocynum cardiophyllum GreeneDate discrepancy. Greene says "Hackett's Meadows at 9000 feet. Culbert...
Ceanothus divergens ParryCalistoga ceanothusS. edge of Rincon Hilla. Santa Rosa Quadranglechaparral....
Notholaena grayi subsp. sonorensis Davenp. subsp. sonorensis Windham, determined by M.D. Windham 199...