Ceanothus divergens ParryCalistoga ceanothusS. edge of Rincon Hilla. Santa Rosa Quadranglechaparral. Ridge top.400 feetAdenostoma fasciculatum, Arctostaphylos glandulosa, Pickeringia montanaShrub. Height 3'
Deinandra fasciculata (DC.) GreeneClustered tarweedHemizonia1 mi. NE. of entrance to Stokes Canyon,...
Coussapoa orthoneura Standl.Tree 110 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam. Terra firma; high land
Potentilla concinna Richardsonearly cinquefoilpotentille hâtivePrairie BluffT. ChisholmS. facing, gr...
Ceanothus dentatus Torr. & GrayDwarf ceanothus, Sandscrub ceanothus0.4 mile N.E. of Branch Mt. Plot...
Ceanothus prostratus Benth.Mahala mats, PinematRincon Ridge, northeast of Santa Ros
Ceanothus sonomensis J. HowellKeys to Ceanothus rigidusSonoma ceanothusSonoma quadrangle. Head of H...
Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook) Nutt.Buck brush, Wedgeleaf ceanothusBranch Mt. quadrangle, 2.2. miles W.N...
Ceanothus sorediatus Hook. & Arn.jimbrushBranch Mt. Quadrangle, Plot 112, 1 1/2 mile E.S.E. of Los P...
Ceanothus velutinus var. laevigatus Torrey & A. GrayHooker's ceanothuscéanothe de HookerSanta Cruz q...
Potentilla glaucophylla Lehmann var. glaucophyllablue-leaved cinquefoilpotentille à feuilles glauque...
Polygonum engelmannii GreeneEngelmann's knotweedrenouée d'EngelmannTrail to Mount DarrahT. ChisholmS...
Packera contermina (Greenman) J.F. Bainnorthwestern groundselséneçon des sommetsPackera conterminaVi...
Carex phaeocephala Pipercarex à tête bruneDunhead sedgeWhistler RidgeJ. GoldenSummit; red shale, ful...
Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. cushingiana (Eastw.) J.E. Keeley et al.Cushing manzanitaArc...
Saxifraga cespitosa Linnaeustufted saxifragesaxifrage cespiteuseRuby RidgeN.E. shale crest7800 feetw...
Deinandra fasciculata (DC.) GreeneClustered tarweedHemizonia1 mi. NE. of entrance to Stokes Canyon,...
Coussapoa orthoneura Standl.Tree 110 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam. Terra firma; high land
Potentilla concinna Richardsonearly cinquefoilpotentille hâtivePrairie BluffT. ChisholmS. facing, gr...
Ceanothus dentatus Torr. & GrayDwarf ceanothus, Sandscrub ceanothus0.4 mile N.E. of Branch Mt. Plot...
Ceanothus prostratus Benth.Mahala mats, PinematRincon Ridge, northeast of Santa Ros
Ceanothus sonomensis J. HowellKeys to Ceanothus rigidusSonoma ceanothusSonoma quadrangle. Head of H...
Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook) Nutt.Buck brush, Wedgeleaf ceanothusBranch Mt. quadrangle, 2.2. miles W.N...
Ceanothus sorediatus Hook. & Arn.jimbrushBranch Mt. Quadrangle, Plot 112, 1 1/2 mile E.S.E. of Los P...
Ceanothus velutinus var. laevigatus Torrey & A. GrayHooker's ceanothuscéanothe de HookerSanta Cruz q...
Potentilla glaucophylla Lehmann var. glaucophyllablue-leaved cinquefoilpotentille à feuilles glauque...
Polygonum engelmannii GreeneEngelmann's knotweedrenouée d'EngelmannTrail to Mount DarrahT. ChisholmS...
Packera contermina (Greenman) J.F. Bainnorthwestern groundselséneçon des sommetsPackera conterminaVi...
Carex phaeocephala Pipercarex à tête bruneDunhead sedgeWhistler RidgeJ. GoldenSummit; red shale, ful...
Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. cushingiana (Eastw.) J.E. Keeley et al.Cushing manzanitaArc...
Saxifraga cespitosa Linnaeustufted saxifragesaxifrage cespiteuseRuby RidgeN.E. shale crest7800 feetw...
Deinandra fasciculata (DC.) GreeneClustered tarweedHemizonia1 mi. NE. of entrance to Stokes Canyon,...
Coussapoa orthoneura Standl.Tree 110 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam. Terra firma; high land
Potentilla concinna Richardsonearly cinquefoilpotentille hâtivePrairie BluffT. ChisholmS. facing, gr...