Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Continued by: Van Nostrand's engineering magazine
Editors: S. S. McClure, J. F. McClure, J. S. Phillips, C. E. Pratt.Title from caption."An illustrate...
Title from caption."A national magazine of literature, art, politics, and society."Mode of access: I...
Vol. t.p. has title: Graham's illustrated magazine of literature, romance, art and fashion.Title fro...
Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Merged with: American railroad journal, to form: Railroa...
Title from cover.Description based on: v. 9, no. 1 (Apr. 1920)Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Continued by: Technology quarterly and proceedings of th...
Title from caption."A new monthly periodical of science mechanic arts, and engineering."Mode of acce...
Title from caption."Monatschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure."Mode of access: Internet.Continu...
Title from caption."Vol. title page, issued separately, has title: New American magazine of literatu...
Title from caption."A popular journal of general literature, science and politics."Mode of access: I...
"A weekly journal of electric light, telephone, telegraph and scientific progress."Title from captio...
Title from caption.A monthly magazine for the household.Mode of access: Internet
Vol. 1-7, title reads : The gardeners' weekly magazine and horticultural cabinet.Mode of access: Int...
Title from caption."Devoted to chemistry as applied to the arts, manufactures, metallurgy and agricu...
A series of articles in Aviation and aeronautical engineering, vol. 1-2, Aug. 1916-July 1917.Caption...
Editors: S. S. McClure, J. F. McClure, J. S. Phillips, C. E. Pratt.Title from caption."An illustrate...
Title from caption."A national magazine of literature, art, politics, and society."Mode of access: I...
Vol. t.p. has title: Graham's illustrated magazine of literature, romance, art and fashion.Title fro...
Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Merged with: American railroad journal, to form: Railroa...
Title from cover.Description based on: v. 9, no. 1 (Apr. 1920)Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Continued by: Technology quarterly and proceedings of th...
Title from caption."A new monthly periodical of science mechanic arts, and engineering."Mode of acce...
Title from caption."Monatschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure."Mode of access: Internet.Continu...
Title from caption."Vol. title page, issued separately, has title: New American magazine of literatu...
Title from caption."A popular journal of general literature, science and politics."Mode of access: I...
"A weekly journal of electric light, telephone, telegraph and scientific progress."Title from captio...
Title from caption.A monthly magazine for the household.Mode of access: Internet
Vol. 1-7, title reads : The gardeners' weekly magazine and horticultural cabinet.Mode of access: Int...
Title from caption."Devoted to chemistry as applied to the arts, manufactures, metallurgy and agricu...
A series of articles in Aviation and aeronautical engineering, vol. 1-2, Aug. 1916-July 1917.Caption...
Editors: S. S. McClure, J. F. McClure, J. S. Phillips, C. E. Pratt.Title from caption."An illustrate...
Title from caption."A national magazine of literature, art, politics, and society."Mode of access: I...
Vol. t.p. has title: Graham's illustrated magazine of literature, romance, art and fashion.Title fro...