"Letters of and to the king of Abyssinia": p. [105]-121. Letters from Lebna Dengal, king of Abyssinia, to Joāo Bermudez; from Galâwdêwos, king of Abyssinia, to the king of Portugal and to the governor of India; and from Joāo III, king of Portugal, to the king of Abyssinia, to Joāo de Castro, and to the Portuguese in Abyssinia.This is a short account of the embassy which the patriarch d. Joāo Bermudez brought from the emperor of Ethiopia, vulgarly called Preste John, to the most Christian ... king of Portugal, d. Joāo, the third of that name ... In which, too, is related the death of d. Christovāo da Gama and the fortunes of the Portuguese, his companions": p. [125]-257. Translation of the author's "Esta he hūa breue relac̦āo da embaixada q̄...