[Resumo] Neste artigo verificamos a pertinencia de falar de interferencias pragmáticas entre galego e castelán e a necesidade de estudar a pragmática do galego para poder dispoñer de datos útiles e necesarios para o ensino da lingua ou para a tradución. O traballo céntrase no estudo dos xeitos de realizar un acto directivo que ameaza a imaxe pública de falante e oínte, como é a petición. Os datos, obtidos mediante técnicas de dramatización (xogos de rol), permiten a comparación das estratexias comunicativas postas en marcha por falantes de diferente idade, sexo e procedencia social. Considerando unha escala que teña nun extremo linguas que optan por unha cortesía da deferencia e no outro linguas que prefiren unha cortesía da solidariedade, ...
Studying the actions of several institutions, as well as the popular belief according to which Galic...
The pragmatic analysis of this discourse strategy focuses on the speech facts from some bilingual co...
This article examines the situation of Galician in the so-called Western Strip, arguing for the need...
Based on data collected through dramatization techniques –namely role plays–, this paper...
[Resumo] Neste traballo presentamos unha cata na situación do galego nos xornais do país a través do...
[Resumo] A tradición gramatical galega comeza no século XIX, en contraste co que aconteceu coas lin...
The present work is intended to expose important data on the current situation of the Galician langu...
The condition of the Galician language has undergone significant change in the period since the esta...
[Resumo] o obxectivo deste traballo consiste en abordar o estudio da situación na que se atopaba a l...
Electronic writing is now a highly successful graphical mode which has been studied by Linguistics i...
The first section of the paper contains a brief introduction to discourse markers, beginning with a ...
[Resumo] O inglés, que pasa por ser a lingua franca internacional na actualidade, padeceu na Idade M...
Neste traballo realizamos unha análise do discurso do plurilingüismo en Europa e Galicia achegando u...
Dictionaries are works whose contents not only depend on their writers' intellectual training-reveal...
[Resumo]A gramática galega debe estimular a autenticidade da lingua e, en consecuencia, a súa sintax...
Studying the actions of several institutions, as well as the popular belief according to which Galic...
The pragmatic analysis of this discourse strategy focuses on the speech facts from some bilingual co...
This article examines the situation of Galician in the so-called Western Strip, arguing for the need...
Based on data collected through dramatization techniques –namely role plays–, this paper...
[Resumo] Neste traballo presentamos unha cata na situación do galego nos xornais do país a través do...
[Resumo] A tradición gramatical galega comeza no século XIX, en contraste co que aconteceu coas lin...
The present work is intended to expose important data on the current situation of the Galician langu...
The condition of the Galician language has undergone significant change in the period since the esta...
[Resumo] o obxectivo deste traballo consiste en abordar o estudio da situación na que se atopaba a l...
Electronic writing is now a highly successful graphical mode which has been studied by Linguistics i...
The first section of the paper contains a brief introduction to discourse markers, beginning with a ...
[Resumo] O inglés, que pasa por ser a lingua franca internacional na actualidade, padeceu na Idade M...
Neste traballo realizamos unha análise do discurso do plurilingüismo en Europa e Galicia achegando u...
Dictionaries are works whose contents not only depend on their writers' intellectual training-reveal...
[Resumo]A gramática galega debe estimular a autenticidade da lingua e, en consecuencia, a súa sintax...
Studying the actions of several institutions, as well as the popular belief according to which Galic...
The pragmatic analysis of this discourse strategy focuses on the speech facts from some bilingual co...
This article examines the situation of Galician in the so-called Western Strip, arguing for the need...