Summary: The Canadian province of British Columbia has a luxurious environment, complete with the mu...
It is generally recognized that canine animals comprise an important reservoir of parasites and dise...
Zoonoses are diseases transmitted from animals to humans and populations in close contact to wildlif...
In Canada, parasitism in people and well-managed animal populations is less common now than a centur...
Zoonoses are infections transmitted by animals to man. Of the more than 50 such infections that are ...
Animals diseases communicable to man, or zoonoses, menace human health and exact aheavy economic tol...
This paper describes diseases that are transmissible from animals to human beings. In many cases, th...
On September 11-13, 1957, a Conference on Animal Diseases and Human Health was held in New York City...
ABSTRACT Prioritizing zoonotic and/or sapronotic pathogens of domestic animal populations and initia...
There are many facets to the topic of wildlife disease concerns in animal damage control, but the ar...
GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Directly Transmitted Diseases: Rabies Hantavirus Trichinosis Mosquito-borne Ence...
This paper examines past occurrences in North America relevant to the possibility of biological disa...
Most humans are in contact with animals in a way or another. A zoonotic disease is a disease or infe...
Most humans are in contact with animals in a way or another. A zoonotic disease is a disease or infe...
Throughout history, wildlife has been an important source of infectious diseases transmissible to hu...
Summary: The Canadian province of British Columbia has a luxurious environment, complete with the mu...
It is generally recognized that canine animals comprise an important reservoir of parasites and dise...
Zoonoses are diseases transmitted from animals to humans and populations in close contact to wildlif...
In Canada, parasitism in people and well-managed animal populations is less common now than a centur...
Zoonoses are infections transmitted by animals to man. Of the more than 50 such infections that are ...
Animals diseases communicable to man, or zoonoses, menace human health and exact aheavy economic tol...
This paper describes diseases that are transmissible from animals to human beings. In many cases, th...
On September 11-13, 1957, a Conference on Animal Diseases and Human Health was held in New York City...
ABSTRACT Prioritizing zoonotic and/or sapronotic pathogens of domestic animal populations and initia...
There are many facets to the topic of wildlife disease concerns in animal damage control, but the ar...
GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Directly Transmitted Diseases: Rabies Hantavirus Trichinosis Mosquito-borne Ence...
This paper examines past occurrences in North America relevant to the possibility of biological disa...
Most humans are in contact with animals in a way or another. A zoonotic disease is a disease or infe...
Most humans are in contact with animals in a way or another. A zoonotic disease is a disease or infe...
Throughout history, wildlife has been an important source of infectious diseases transmissible to hu...
Summary: The Canadian province of British Columbia has a luxurious environment, complete with the mu...
It is generally recognized that canine animals comprise an important reservoir of parasites and dise...
Zoonoses are diseases transmitted from animals to humans and populations in close contact to wildlif...