Susiana Sariyati NIM : S541002033,2011. Relationship Between Motivation And Self Learning By Teaching Student Learning Achievement Family Planning Services Diploma Midwifery Politeknik Tegal. Supervising commission I : Dr.Nunuk suryani, M.pd. Advisors II : Dr.Hermanu J, M.pd.thesis : postgraduate program of sebelas maret university Surakarta. This research aims to identify the relationship between motivation and academic achievement of student in the third semester course in family planning services study program DIII midwifery politeknik tegal, to know the relationship between self study and academic achievement of students in the third semester course in family planning services diploma midwifery politeknik tegal, know the relationship b...
Abstrak Pendidikan merupakan salah satu ujung tombak dalam pembangunan suatu bangsa. Pendidikan mamp...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri dengan Motivasi Belajar SMA Y...
ABSTRACT: MOTIVATION LEARNING AND CAREER PLANNING This study aims to determine whether there is a c...
Susiana Sariyati NIM : S541002033,2011. Relationship Between Motivation And Self Learning By Teachin...
Background: Teaching and learning is a process of conscious purpose. Goals can be informed an attemp...
Based on data from Ristekdikti in 2016 the education level of midwives in Indonesia consists of 4 l...
Background: Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta is one of the universities that has implemented Competen...
Students achievement means the effort the should show students to finish their study ...
Objective : To find out the correlation between achievement motivation and student’s study achieveme...
ABSTRACTThis research was conducted at D-IV Midwifery, University Muhammadiyah Gorontalo. This type ...
ABSTRACTAchievement is a measure of success in education. To determine the success of ducation in an...
ABSTRACT Background: The poor quality of education is one of the serious problems which faced by e...
Riska Aprilia Wardani, S541002027. Effect Demonstration Against Method Course In Learning Achieveme...
Background:The main problem facingthe worldtodayis the loweducationalachievementof students. Percept...
When midwifery students have a good perception of the midwifery profession, they will be motivated t...
Abstrak Pendidikan merupakan salah satu ujung tombak dalam pembangunan suatu bangsa. Pendidikan mamp...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri dengan Motivasi Belajar SMA Y...
ABSTRACT: MOTIVATION LEARNING AND CAREER PLANNING This study aims to determine whether there is a c...
Susiana Sariyati NIM : S541002033,2011. Relationship Between Motivation And Self Learning By Teachin...
Background: Teaching and learning is a process of conscious purpose. Goals can be informed an attemp...
Based on data from Ristekdikti in 2016 the education level of midwives in Indonesia consists of 4 l...
Background: Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta is one of the universities that has implemented Competen...
Students achievement means the effort the should show students to finish their study ...
Objective : To find out the correlation between achievement motivation and student’s study achieveme...
ABSTRACTThis research was conducted at D-IV Midwifery, University Muhammadiyah Gorontalo. This type ...
ABSTRACTAchievement is a measure of success in education. To determine the success of ducation in an...
ABSTRACT Background: The poor quality of education is one of the serious problems which faced by e...
Riska Aprilia Wardani, S541002027. Effect Demonstration Against Method Course In Learning Achieveme...
Background:The main problem facingthe worldtodayis the loweducationalachievementof students. Percept...
When midwifery students have a good perception of the midwifery profession, they will be motivated t...
Abstrak Pendidikan merupakan salah satu ujung tombak dalam pembangunan suatu bangsa. Pendidikan mamp...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri dengan Motivasi Belajar SMA Y...
ABSTRACT: MOTIVATION LEARNING AND CAREER PLANNING This study aims to determine whether there is a c...