Látky steroidní povahy jsou nedílnou součástí všech organismů. Patří mezi ně například žlučové kyseliny, steroidní hormony nebo některé vitaminy. Cholesterol je lipofilní složkou buněčných membrán. Jeho ukládání do cév v podobě nízkodenzitního lipoproteinu (LDL) má za následek závažné zdravotní komplikace jako je ateroskleróza a další. 7-dehydrocholesterol je prekurzorem cholesterolu a dalšího steroidu studovaného v této práci, cholekalciferolu (vitamin D3). Zvýšené množství 7-dehydrocholesterolu v důsledku deficitu 7-dehydrocholesterol reduktázy je příčinou rozvoje Smith- Lemli-Opitzova syndromu (SLOS), autosomálně recesivního genetického onemocnění vedoucího k různým stupňům mentální a fyzické retardace. Elektroanalytické metody se k dete...
W części wstępnej pracy przedstawione zostały różne zastosowania elektroforezy kapilarnej w badaniu ...
This bachelor's thesis is dedicated to the electrochemical determination of 7α-hydroxycholesterol (7...
This work was aimed to implement a fast and simple method to quantify cholesterol (CHOL) and 7- deh...
The aim of this Thesis is development of electroanalytical methods for determination of cholesterol ...
The aim of this thesis was the development of a voltammetric method for the determination of 7-dehyd...
Cholesterol is an irreplaceable sterol found in animal cells, lathosterol is one of its precursors. ...
Tato bakalářská práce je především zaměřena na studium elektrochemických vlastností cholesterolu, kt...
The use of the Liebermann–Burchard reaction in this study has been explored in the development of a ...
The Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS), is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a 7-dehy-drochol...
This work was aimed to implement a fast and simple method to quantify cholesterol (CHOL) and 7-dehyd...
Since bile acids are major excretion products of cholesterol in the body, changes in rates of produc...
We wstępie scharakteryzowano pojęcie lipofilowości i opisano sposoby jej wyznaczania. Zaprezentowano...
peer-reviewedCholesterol detection is of great significance in biomedical applications because it is...
Oxysterols are metabolites produced in the first step of cholesterol metabolism, which is related t...
Here is proposed a rapid and sensitive method involving atmospheric pressure thermal desorption che...
W części wstępnej pracy przedstawione zostały różne zastosowania elektroforezy kapilarnej w badaniu ...
This bachelor's thesis is dedicated to the electrochemical determination of 7α-hydroxycholesterol (7...
This work was aimed to implement a fast and simple method to quantify cholesterol (CHOL) and 7- deh...
The aim of this Thesis is development of electroanalytical methods for determination of cholesterol ...
The aim of this thesis was the development of a voltammetric method for the determination of 7-dehyd...
Cholesterol is an irreplaceable sterol found in animal cells, lathosterol is one of its precursors. ...
Tato bakalářská práce je především zaměřena na studium elektrochemických vlastností cholesterolu, kt...
The use of the Liebermann–Burchard reaction in this study has been explored in the development of a ...
The Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS), is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a 7-dehy-drochol...
This work was aimed to implement a fast and simple method to quantify cholesterol (CHOL) and 7-dehyd...
Since bile acids are major excretion products of cholesterol in the body, changes in rates of produc...
We wstępie scharakteryzowano pojęcie lipofilowości i opisano sposoby jej wyznaczania. Zaprezentowano...
peer-reviewedCholesterol detection is of great significance in biomedical applications because it is...
Oxysterols are metabolites produced in the first step of cholesterol metabolism, which is related t...
Here is proposed a rapid and sensitive method involving atmospheric pressure thermal desorption che...
W części wstępnej pracy przedstawione zostały różne zastosowania elektroforezy kapilarnej w badaniu ...
This bachelor's thesis is dedicated to the electrochemical determination of 7α-hydroxycholesterol (7...
This work was aimed to implement a fast and simple method to quantify cholesterol (CHOL) and 7- deh...