The study points to the ambivalence and ambiguity of the folklore movement, which in the environment of the former socialist Czechoslovakia was sometimes associated with the expression “hiding in folklore”, describing in particular the act of creating an alternative space to the everyday reality that did not allow a person to fully self-realize or express their own identity. We ask to what extent this metaphor represents the nature of todayʼs folkloric activities in the post-socialist society.Študija opozarja na ambivalentnost in dvoumnost folklornega gibanja, ki se je v okolju nekdanje socialistične Češkoslovaške včasih povezovalo z izrazom »skrivanje v folklori«. Izraz opisuje zlasti ustvarjanje alternativnega prostora vsakdanji realnosti...
Slovstvena folklora, umetnost govorjenega jezika, ima na Slovenskem dolgo tradicijo zbiranja in zapi...
In all of its manifestations, narrative folklore is one of the most important vehicles of articulati...
This bachelor thesis aims to explore the role of a phenomenon of the "Strakonice bagpiper" in constr...
Despite many similarities, the understanding and treatment of the folklore movement differs between ...
U diplomskom radu će se najprije dati teorijski pregled mogućih definicija folklora, a nadalje bit ć...
This is a collaborative study on how, and by whom, the discourse of folklore authenticity was develo...
In the Czech Lands, the folklore movement is used to refer to the existence of folklore ensembles an...
In 1975, the question “What to do with folklore?” very clearly expressed the position of Slovenian f...
Identitet je ono što nas čini drugačijima od drugih i zaslugom oblikovanja identiteta naše zemlje mi...
Folklore used to be one of the most efficient tools that some authoritarian regimes from Eastern Eur...
Folklorni obrazci, kot so pregovori, uganke, šale pa tudi zagovori, ponujajo stereotipen - v etnolin...
Diplomska naloga z naslovom FOLKLORA V SLOVENIJI je teoretično delo. V nalogi so predstavljeni razl...
U ovoj monografskoj studiji je razmotren teorijsko-metodološki doprinos mikrosociologa i socijalnog ...
This bachelor's thesis describes, evaluates and compares the attention dedicated to traditional folk...
Bakalářská práce "Folklorní soubor Sálašan slovenských krajanů v Nadlaku" se zabývá fenoménem folk...
Slovstvena folklora, umetnost govorjenega jezika, ima na Slovenskem dolgo tradicijo zbiranja in zapi...
In all of its manifestations, narrative folklore is one of the most important vehicles of articulati...
This bachelor thesis aims to explore the role of a phenomenon of the "Strakonice bagpiper" in constr...
Despite many similarities, the understanding and treatment of the folklore movement differs between ...
U diplomskom radu će se najprije dati teorijski pregled mogućih definicija folklora, a nadalje bit ć...
This is a collaborative study on how, and by whom, the discourse of folklore authenticity was develo...
In the Czech Lands, the folklore movement is used to refer to the existence of folklore ensembles an...
In 1975, the question “What to do with folklore?” very clearly expressed the position of Slovenian f...
Identitet je ono što nas čini drugačijima od drugih i zaslugom oblikovanja identiteta naše zemlje mi...
Folklore used to be one of the most efficient tools that some authoritarian regimes from Eastern Eur...
Folklorni obrazci, kot so pregovori, uganke, šale pa tudi zagovori, ponujajo stereotipen - v etnolin...
Diplomska naloga z naslovom FOLKLORA V SLOVENIJI je teoretično delo. V nalogi so predstavljeni razl...
U ovoj monografskoj studiji je razmotren teorijsko-metodološki doprinos mikrosociologa i socijalnog ...
This bachelor's thesis describes, evaluates and compares the attention dedicated to traditional folk...
Bakalářská práce "Folklorní soubor Sálašan slovenských krajanů v Nadlaku" se zabývá fenoménem folk...
Slovstvena folklora, umetnost govorjenega jezika, ima na Slovenskem dolgo tradicijo zbiranja in zapi...
In all of its manifestations, narrative folklore is one of the most important vehicles of articulati...
This bachelor thesis aims to explore the role of a phenomenon of the "Strakonice bagpiper" in constr...