ヨード液を鶏の卵管子宮部に注入し,子宮内膜を刺激した場合放卵が如何なる影響を受けるかについて調べた。その結果,ヨード液の注入によって子宮部における卵形成中の卵は同液注入後5分以内に早期放卵された。一方,このようなヨード液による放卵はプロスタグランジン(PG)合成阻害剤であるインドメタシンの前処理によって阻止された。また,インドメタシンはPGによる放卵誘起作用も阻止した。このことから,鶏においてヨード液注入による放卵誘起は,ヨード液が子宮内膜を刺激してPGの産生を促し,PGは子宮筋の収縮を誘起し,次いで子宮内にある卵を放出する,という過程を経ると思われた。The effect of intrauterine injection of a dilute iodine solution (DIS), a chemical irritant, on oviposition was examined in the domestic fowl. All of the fifteen hens given as little as 0.01ml of DIS yielded premature oviposition within 5min after the injection. An injection of prostaglandin (PG; 10ng/0.1ml/hen) into hen's uterine lumen also caused premature oviposition within 9min in all of 7 hens tested. On the other hand, the intramuscular injection of indomethac...
ABSTRACT Dibutyryl cyclic AMP, theophylline, or prostaglandins E t or E2 were injected in-traperiton...
The aim of the present study: The aim of the present study was to determine the impact of various do...
Apie sveiką mitybą, vitaminų ir mikroelementų reikšmę žmogaus sveikatai šiandien kalbama ypač daug. ...
蛋白合成阻止剤であるCycloheximideの排卵に対する影響を調べるため, 同薬剤を自然あるいは誘起排卵前の色々な時間に投与した。また同薬剤投与による蛋白分解酵素活性への影響も調べた。Cycloh...
Additions of iodine to egg production diets have been used experimentally to delay sexual maturity i...
Previous research reports have shown that a delay in sexual maturity of egg-type pullets was benefic...
ARTIFICIAL insemination (A.I.) di-•** • rectly into the uterus has resulted in fertility under circu...
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current i...
本実験では、遮光がゴールデンハムスター卵子の顕微授精(Intracytoplasmic sperm injection ; ICSI)後の胚発生に与える影響と、酸化毒性を緩和する抗酸化剤β-merca...
In the areas, where the biosphere is deficient in iodine, the feed for domestic animals and fowls sh...
In anesthetized hens the influence of intra-aortically injected arachidonic acid (AA) and indo-metha...
The infusion of solutions of iodine into the uterus through the cervical canal has been practised as...
ABSTRACT Dibutyryl cyclic AMP, theophylline, or prostaglandins E t or E2 were injected in-traperiton...
The aim of the present study: The aim of the present study was to determine the impact of various do...
Apie sveiką mitybą, vitaminų ir mikroelementų reikšmę žmogaus sveikatai šiandien kalbama ypač daug. ...
蛋白合成阻止剤であるCycloheximideの排卵に対する影響を調べるため, 同薬剤を自然あるいは誘起排卵前の色々な時間に投与した。また同薬剤投与による蛋白分解酵素活性への影響も調べた。Cycloh...
Additions of iodine to egg production diets have been used experimentally to delay sexual maturity i...
Previous research reports have shown that a delay in sexual maturity of egg-type pullets was benefic...
ARTIFICIAL insemination (A.I.) di-•** • rectly into the uterus has resulted in fertility under circu...
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current i...
本実験では、遮光がゴールデンハムスター卵子の顕微授精(Intracytoplasmic sperm injection ; ICSI)後の胚発生に与える影響と、酸化毒性を緩和する抗酸化剤β-merca...
In the areas, where the biosphere is deficient in iodine, the feed for domestic animals and fowls sh...
In anesthetized hens the influence of intra-aortically injected arachidonic acid (AA) and indo-metha...
The infusion of solutions of iodine into the uterus through the cervical canal has been practised as...
ABSTRACT Dibutyryl cyclic AMP, theophylline, or prostaglandins E t or E2 were injected in-traperiton...
The aim of the present study: The aim of the present study was to determine the impact of various do...
Apie sveiką mitybą, vitaminų ir mikroelementų reikšmę žmogaus sveikatai šiandien kalbama ypač daug. ...