Apie sveiką mitybą, vitaminų ir mikroelementų reikšmę žmogaus sveikatai šiandien kalbama ypač daug. Paklausūs yra ekologiški ir sveikatai naudingi maisto produktai, kurių sudėtyje aptinkama biologiškai aktyvių medžiagų. Pasaulyje atliekami tyrimai bei kuriami nauji metodai, skirti pagerinti kiaušinių kokybinius rodiklius ir maistinę vertę. Lietuvoje vykdomi eksperimentai siekiant mikroelementu jodu pagerinti paukštienos produktų sudėtį. Atlikus tyrimus nustatyta, kad dėl didesnio jodo kiekio vištų dedeklių lesaluose („Jodis“, 4 mg J/kg lesalų) sumažėjo kiaušinio svoris, trynio ir baltymo svoris, lukšto svoris ir storis, Haugh vienetai, palyginti su kontroline grupe (1 mg KJ/kg lesalų). Bendrasis jodo kiekis (4 mg J/kg lesalų) dėl papildo „J...
Nutritional manipulation and genetic selection for egg size and production may lead to changes in eg...
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current i...
Jaja sadrže sve hranjive tvari koje su potrebne za život te zbog toga imaju visoku kvalitetnu vrijed...
At present the importance of healthy nutrition, vitamins and trace elements for the health of people...
The aim of the diploma thesis was to evaluate the impact of selected biological and nutritional fac...
THE increasing use of eggs in the human dietary necessitates a more complete knowledge of the variat...
Aim: Objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different levels of iodine supplementa...
The aim of diploma work was contents supervision iodine solution in egg yolk in the consumer eggs an...
The aim of the present study: The aim of the present study was to determine the impact of various do...
It is very important to supplement poultry feed with sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals and ot...
One of the main problems of poultry farms located in the industrially polluted area is environmental...
In the areas, where the biosphere is deficient in iodine, the feed for domestic animals and fowls sh...
The metabolic effect of iodine addition in laying hens. The effect of superfluous iodine intake and ...
Tyrimai su 1–42 d. viščiukais broileriais atlikti Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto Biologinės įvair...
The study was aimed to determine the possibility to substitute iodine in the poultry (broiler chics ...
Nutritional manipulation and genetic selection for egg size and production may lead to changes in eg...
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current i...
Jaja sadrže sve hranjive tvari koje su potrebne za život te zbog toga imaju visoku kvalitetnu vrijed...
At present the importance of healthy nutrition, vitamins and trace elements for the health of people...
The aim of the diploma thesis was to evaluate the impact of selected biological and nutritional fac...
THE increasing use of eggs in the human dietary necessitates a more complete knowledge of the variat...
Aim: Objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different levels of iodine supplementa...
The aim of diploma work was contents supervision iodine solution in egg yolk in the consumer eggs an...
The aim of the present study: The aim of the present study was to determine the impact of various do...
It is very important to supplement poultry feed with sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals and ot...
One of the main problems of poultry farms located in the industrially polluted area is environmental...
In the areas, where the biosphere is deficient in iodine, the feed for domestic animals and fowls sh...
The metabolic effect of iodine addition in laying hens. The effect of superfluous iodine intake and ...
Tyrimai su 1–42 d. viščiukais broileriais atlikti Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto Biologinės įvair...
The study was aimed to determine the possibility to substitute iodine in the poultry (broiler chics ...
Nutritional manipulation and genetic selection for egg size and production may lead to changes in eg...
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current i...
Jaja sadrže sve hranjive tvari koje su potrebne za život te zbog toga imaju visoku kvalitetnu vrijed...