Decreasing transistor feature size has led to an increase in the number of transistors in integrated circuits (IC), allowing for the implementation of more complex logic. However, such logic also requires more complex clock tree synthesis (CTS) to avoid timing violations as the clock must reach many more gates over larger areas. Thus, timing analysis requires significantly more computing power and designer involvement than in the past. For these reasons, IC designers have been pushed to nix conventional synchronous (SYNC) architecture and explore novel methodologies such as asynchronous, self-timed architecture. This dissertation evaluates the nominal active energy, voltage-scaled active energy, and leakage power dissipation across two core...
Journal ArticleAs clock frequency increases and feature size decreases, clock distribution and wire...
Rapid device-miniaturization keeps on inducing challenges in building energy efficient microprocesso...
Emerging biomedical applications would benefit from the availability of digital processors with subs...
The global technology revolution is changing the integrated circuit industry from the one driven by ...
The semiconductor industry has been increasingly focused on the energy consumption and heat generati...
As digital integrated circuits (ICs) continue to increase in complexity, new challenges arise for de...
This dissertation proposes an ultra-low power design methodology called bit-wise MTNCL for bit-wise ...
This paper develops an ultra-low power asynchronous circuit design methodology, called Multi-Thresho...
Integrated circuit (IC) designers face many challenges in utilizing state-of-the-art technology node...
Self-timed properly judgment layout strategies are advanced the usage of Threshold Combinational Red...
abstract: Improving energy efficiency has always been the prime objective of the custom and automate...
Delay-insensitive asynchronous circuits have been the target of a renewed research effort because of...
Most microelectronic chips used today--in systems ranging from cell phones to desktop computers to s...
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2021System-on-Chips (SoC) are the engines of modern comput...
A Multi-Threshold CMOS NULL Convention Logic asynchronous circuit (MTNCL) is described. The MTNCL ci...
Journal ArticleAs clock frequency increases and feature size decreases, clock distribution and wire...
Rapid device-miniaturization keeps on inducing challenges in building energy efficient microprocesso...
Emerging biomedical applications would benefit from the availability of digital processors with subs...
The global technology revolution is changing the integrated circuit industry from the one driven by ...
The semiconductor industry has been increasingly focused on the energy consumption and heat generati...
As digital integrated circuits (ICs) continue to increase in complexity, new challenges arise for de...
This dissertation proposes an ultra-low power design methodology called bit-wise MTNCL for bit-wise ...
This paper develops an ultra-low power asynchronous circuit design methodology, called Multi-Thresho...
Integrated circuit (IC) designers face many challenges in utilizing state-of-the-art technology node...
Self-timed properly judgment layout strategies are advanced the usage of Threshold Combinational Red...
abstract: Improving energy efficiency has always been the prime objective of the custom and automate...
Delay-insensitive asynchronous circuits have been the target of a renewed research effort because of...
Most microelectronic chips used today--in systems ranging from cell phones to desktop computers to s...
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2021System-on-Chips (SoC) are the engines of modern comput...
A Multi-Threshold CMOS NULL Convention Logic asynchronous circuit (MTNCL) is described. The MTNCL ci...
Journal ArticleAs clock frequency increases and feature size decreases, clock distribution and wire...
Rapid device-miniaturization keeps on inducing challenges in building energy efficient microprocesso...
Emerging biomedical applications would benefit from the availability of digital processors with subs...