Actualitatea și importanța problemei abordate. Traumatismul rutier este o problemă de sănătate publică cu o răspândire mondială. Anual, la nivel global, în urma traumatismelor cauzate de traficul rutier, decedează mai mult de 1,35 milioane de oameni, iar 20-50 milioane persoane se aleg cu diverse traumatisme, afectând în cea mai mare parte tinerii cu vârsta cuprinsă între 15-29 de ani. Traumatismele rutiere (TR) sunt a opta cauză de deces la nivel mondial, iar dacă nu se vor lua măsuri eficiente, către anul 2030 va ocupa poziția a cincea [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. În povara globală a bolilor, traumele reprezintă 10% din numărul total de decese, o treime revenindu-le celor rezultate de pe urma accidentelor rutiere [1, 6]. [...]
Maģistra darba „Autoceļu satiksmes drošības uzlabošana, veicinot sabiedrības un indivīda iesaistīšan...
The aim of the study was to present Ways to Prevent road accidents in Romania. Improving security re...
More than 270000 pedestrians die annually on roads across the world, accounting for about 22% of the...
Actualitatea și importanța problemei abordate. Traumatismul rutier este o problemă de sănătate publ...
Sumar. Traumatismele rutiere reprezintă o problemă majoră de sănătate publică atât la nivel naționa...
Rănirile accidentale sunt o cauză majoră de dizabilităţi şi deces prematur la nivel mondial. Prezent...
Road traffic injuries are one of the most important medical and social problems in the modern world,...
690635959PDFProceedingsHighway safetyTransportation safetyOrganizationsService agenciesUnited Nation...
AbstractThe paper focuses on issues regarding the adaptation of specific elements related to the con...
Road accidents are a major societal issue for every country. The purpose of this paper is to assess ...
Safe traffic is a key factor for both social players and the sustainable development of the economy....
According to statistics, road transportation is the most dangerous means of transportation and also ...
Fatal car accidents are a major issue of concern for both the police, the local and regional adminis...
OBJECTIVES: Road traffic injuries are a widespread problem and are very difficult to prevent. The p...
The increased number of road accidents, leading to deaths and serious injuries is a social problem f...
Maģistra darba „Autoceļu satiksmes drošības uzlabošana, veicinot sabiedrības un indivīda iesaistīšan...
The aim of the study was to present Ways to Prevent road accidents in Romania. Improving security re...
More than 270000 pedestrians die annually on roads across the world, accounting for about 22% of the...
Actualitatea și importanța problemei abordate. Traumatismul rutier este o problemă de sănătate publ...
Sumar. Traumatismele rutiere reprezintă o problemă majoră de sănătate publică atât la nivel naționa...
Rănirile accidentale sunt o cauză majoră de dizabilităţi şi deces prematur la nivel mondial. Prezent...
Road traffic injuries are one of the most important medical and social problems in the modern world,...
690635959PDFProceedingsHighway safetyTransportation safetyOrganizationsService agenciesUnited Nation...
AbstractThe paper focuses on issues regarding the adaptation of specific elements related to the con...
Road accidents are a major societal issue for every country. The purpose of this paper is to assess ...
Safe traffic is a key factor for both social players and the sustainable development of the economy....
According to statistics, road transportation is the most dangerous means of transportation and also ...
Fatal car accidents are a major issue of concern for both the police, the local and regional adminis...
OBJECTIVES: Road traffic injuries are a widespread problem and are very difficult to prevent. The p...
The increased number of road accidents, leading to deaths and serious injuries is a social problem f...
Maģistra darba „Autoceļu satiksmes drošības uzlabošana, veicinot sabiedrības un indivīda iesaistīšan...
The aim of the study was to present Ways to Prevent road accidents in Romania. Improving security re...
More than 270000 pedestrians die annually on roads across the world, accounting for about 22% of the...