VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 3 | Summer/Fall 2023 ON OUR COVER: Brenda Lessen Knoll \u2789 performs her physical therapy treatment, PIOMI, with 12-hour old premature infant Remi Audeman. 14 Handmade Miracles Brenda Lessen Knoll \u2789 was completing her doctorate when she developed a groundbreaking new physical therapy. Now it\u27s implemented around the world to help premature infants grow using only caregiver\u27s hands. 18 A Chance to Cure Dr. Ann Stroink \u2776 winner of the 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award, has mastered one of medicine\u27s most demanding fields -- neurosurgery. She has saved lives and trained a new generation of surgeons, for whom she advocates as a leader in national organizations.https://digitalcommons.iwu.edu/iwu_magazine/101...