Meneguhkan peran Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) sebagai pengawal konstitusi (the guardian of constitution), pelindung hak-hak konstitusional warga negara (the protector of the citizens’ constitutional right) juga pengawal Pancasila (the guardian of ideology) yang merupakan dasar negara (philosophische grondslag), pandangan hidup (way of life), cita hukum (rechtsidee) sebagai kerangka keyakinan (belief framework) yang bersifat normatif dan konstitutif masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam kehidupan bernegara kerap kali terjadi pelanggaran hak-hak dan kebebasan konstitusional yang bukan disebabkan karena inkonstitusionalitas norma undang-undang, tetapi adanya perbuatan maupun kelalaian lembaga negara atau pejabat publik (state institution, public officials)....
Hak konstitusional merupakan bagian dari hak-hak warga negara yang dijamin dalam konstitusi UUD NRI ...
Abstract The birth of the Constitutional Court as a demand to uphold the norms contained in the Cons...
Abstract The birth of the Constitutional Court as a demand to uphold the norms contained in the Cons...
Tulisan ini membahas mengenai konsep constitutional complaint sebagai upaya hukum terhadap pelanggar...
Tulisan ini membahas mengenai konsep constitutional complaint sebagai upaya hukum terhadap pelanggar...
Tulisan ini membahas constitutional complaint (pengaduan konstitusional) sebagai upaya hukum terhada...
The Constitutional Court exists to oversee the RI State Constitution contained therein and the prote...
The Constitutional Court exists to oversee the RI State Constitution contained therein and the prote...
Social needed of Indonesia people about Constitutional Complaint is urgent and must be held as an ef...
Di tengah perdebatan akademik yang masih terjadi soal kewenangan memutus perkara constitutional comp...
In essence, constitution is the contract between state and its citizen. It’s declare the rights and ...
Violation of the constitutional rights of citizens by state institutions or public officials should ...
Constitutional rights are the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, the Constitution is the fundame...
Constitutional Courts presence in the Indonesian state administration system in, order to reform sta...
The Constitutional Court was established in 1945 as part of a plan to ensure that people rights unde...
Hak konstitusional merupakan bagian dari hak-hak warga negara yang dijamin dalam konstitusi UUD NRI ...
Abstract The birth of the Constitutional Court as a demand to uphold the norms contained in the Cons...
Abstract The birth of the Constitutional Court as a demand to uphold the norms contained in the Cons...
Tulisan ini membahas mengenai konsep constitutional complaint sebagai upaya hukum terhadap pelanggar...
Tulisan ini membahas mengenai konsep constitutional complaint sebagai upaya hukum terhadap pelanggar...
Tulisan ini membahas constitutional complaint (pengaduan konstitusional) sebagai upaya hukum terhada...
The Constitutional Court exists to oversee the RI State Constitution contained therein and the prote...
The Constitutional Court exists to oversee the RI State Constitution contained therein and the prote...
Social needed of Indonesia people about Constitutional Complaint is urgent and must be held as an ef...
Di tengah perdebatan akademik yang masih terjadi soal kewenangan memutus perkara constitutional comp...
In essence, constitution is the contract between state and its citizen. It’s declare the rights and ...
Violation of the constitutional rights of citizens by state institutions or public officials should ...
Constitutional rights are the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, the Constitution is the fundame...
Constitutional Courts presence in the Indonesian state administration system in, order to reform sta...
The Constitutional Court was established in 1945 as part of a plan to ensure that people rights unde...
Hak konstitusional merupakan bagian dari hak-hak warga negara yang dijamin dalam konstitusi UUD NRI ...
Abstract The birth of the Constitutional Court as a demand to uphold the norms contained in the Cons...
Abstract The birth of the Constitutional Court as a demand to uphold the norms contained in the Cons...