From Limits to Growth onwards, more and more people have come to understand that we only have one planet – one ”spaceship” – at our disposal. While the Earth’s geoecosystems possess natural selfregulatory mechanisms that allow the conditions necessary for life’s survival to be maintained, it is becoming clearer and clearer that this capacity is being compromised by human activity that is ever more clearly visible, and ever more markedly extending beyond what is necessary in meeting humanity’s basic needs. In this context, the questions needing answering concern: • the new political and social institutions required to ensure sustainability; • the initiatives required to direct human civilisation’s development (or survival) in the direction o...
The urban development that is now taking place globally has led to the most extensive permanent land...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju od strony filozoficznej. Od pró...
The article contains a reflection on the role of the idea of sustainable development in supporting t...
From Limits to Growth onwards, more and more people have come to understand that we only have one pl...
The rapidly increasing consumption of the Earth’s resources carries with it the threat of these bein...
Szybko zwiększające się zużycie zasobów Ziemi stanowi realne zagrożenie ich bliskiego wyczerpania. O...
The concept of sustainable development was formulated at a time when modern man had technical means ...
Człowiek w swoim rozwoju biologicznym był uzależniony od wielu czynników środowiskowych. Z chwilą ki...
The concept of sustainable development as an idea of a big complexity is very difficult to implement...
The paper shows, that the hopes associated with globalisation, which were also supposed to overcome ...
W artykule zaproponowano nowy model rozumienia i zarządzania światowym rozwojem ludzkości w kontekśc...
The problem of sustainable human development, in terms both of individual people and societies, repr...
W artykule podjęto próbę poszukiwania odpowiedzi na następujące pytania badawcze: jaka ma być nauka,...
The nowadays world is developing unsustainably. Enormous technological progress can be observed. As ...
In this work the concept of sustainable development is presented as the currently most important rev...
The urban development that is now taking place globally has led to the most extensive permanent land...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju od strony filozoficznej. Od pró...
The article contains a reflection on the role of the idea of sustainable development in supporting t...
From Limits to Growth onwards, more and more people have come to understand that we only have one pl...
The rapidly increasing consumption of the Earth’s resources carries with it the threat of these bein...
Szybko zwiększające się zużycie zasobów Ziemi stanowi realne zagrożenie ich bliskiego wyczerpania. O...
The concept of sustainable development was formulated at a time when modern man had technical means ...
Człowiek w swoim rozwoju biologicznym był uzależniony od wielu czynników środowiskowych. Z chwilą ki...
The concept of sustainable development as an idea of a big complexity is very difficult to implement...
The paper shows, that the hopes associated with globalisation, which were also supposed to overcome ...
W artykule zaproponowano nowy model rozumienia i zarządzania światowym rozwojem ludzkości w kontekśc...
The problem of sustainable human development, in terms both of individual people and societies, repr...
W artykule podjęto próbę poszukiwania odpowiedzi na następujące pytania badawcze: jaka ma być nauka,...
The nowadays world is developing unsustainably. Enormous technological progress can be observed. As ...
In this work the concept of sustainable development is presented as the currently most important rev...
The urban development that is now taking place globally has led to the most extensive permanent land...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju od strony filozoficznej. Od pró...
The article contains a reflection on the role of the idea of sustainable development in supporting t...