Educators often misunderstand marketing. Frequently it is viewed as simply advertising or selling. Marketing is far more encompassing. A closer look at the components of marketing reveals an involvement in virtually all aspects of private school operations. Other than miracles or providential guidance, a solid business plan, based on the “marketing mix,” might contribute most to the overall growth and customer satisfaction within a Christian school. This dissertation is a qualitative study designed to research the marketing mix strategies of private, Christian schools throughout America and Canada. This research effort was designed to collect both descriptive and historical data. A key emphasis of this study investigated Christian school aw...
Much attention has been paid to the study of leaders and their ability to influence followers. A com...
This study evaluated program graduates of National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship 1 to yea...
This thesis aims to examine the mediating role of product type (i.e., product-luxury perceptions) on...
Educators often misunderstand marketing. Frequently it is viewed as simply advertising or selling. M...
The current study was initiated to assess the organization of the marketing function in institutions...
The purpose of this study was to examine marketing factors that influence the decisions of working p...
The market for online education is competitive, especially for graduate programs such as the Master ...
The culture of American education is largely predicated on acquiring the proverbial golden ticket fo...
The purpose of this qualitative, interview-based-study was to explore the personal discipleship prac...
In this dissertation, I examine the U.S. retail market structure (i.e., retail expenditure per house...
Historically, African-American ministers in the United States have played a central role in preachin...
Research on social influence has indicated that role models can motivate individuals to change their...
The role of entrepreneurship and innovation in K-12 education continues to evolve. As more reform ef...
In 2015, 36% of first-time freshmen applied to more than seven colleges or universities. In 2005, th...
This quantitative research study was developed in response to challenges small-business owners face ...
Much attention has been paid to the study of leaders and their ability to influence followers. A com...
This study evaluated program graduates of National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship 1 to yea...
This thesis aims to examine the mediating role of product type (i.e., product-luxury perceptions) on...
Educators often misunderstand marketing. Frequently it is viewed as simply advertising or selling. M...
The current study was initiated to assess the organization of the marketing function in institutions...
The purpose of this study was to examine marketing factors that influence the decisions of working p...
The market for online education is competitive, especially for graduate programs such as the Master ...
The culture of American education is largely predicated on acquiring the proverbial golden ticket fo...
The purpose of this qualitative, interview-based-study was to explore the personal discipleship prac...
In this dissertation, I examine the U.S. retail market structure (i.e., retail expenditure per house...
Historically, African-American ministers in the United States have played a central role in preachin...
Research on social influence has indicated that role models can motivate individuals to change their...
The role of entrepreneurship and innovation in K-12 education continues to evolve. As more reform ef...
In 2015, 36% of first-time freshmen applied to more than seven colleges or universities. In 2005, th...
This quantitative research study was developed in response to challenges small-business owners face ...
Much attention has been paid to the study of leaders and their ability to influence followers. A com...
This study evaluated program graduates of National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship 1 to yea...
This thesis aims to examine the mediating role of product type (i.e., product-luxury perceptions) on...