Abdurahman S, Ningtyas AA, Raulima A, Airiyani ML, Nasir MY, Syarifudin M, Nugraha MIA. 2022. Horticultural cultivation with the green house method. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-10 Tahun 2022, Palembang 27 Oktober 2022. pp. 283-292. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Horticultural crops with the green house method can be carried out in a controlled manner in the cultivation process and help overcome the narrowing of agricultural land. This survey aimed to find out how to cultivate and what types of horticultural plants can be grown using the green house method. The research method is carried out by means of surveys and interviews with green house owners by paying ...
Seed and seedling is one of main factors in determining the product of horticultural crops. Theuse s...
Kelurahan Jempong Baru Kecamatan Sekarbela merupakan memiliki luas lahan sebesar 580 Ha. Dari luas t...
Kelompok Petani Patmasari I Desa Blarang dan Kelompok Petani Sekar Sari Desa Gendro Kecamatan Tutur ...
Abdurahman S, Ningtyas AA, Raulima A, Airiyani ML, Nasir MY, Syarifudin M, Nugraha MIA. 2022. Horti...
Currently humans are exposed to future unclear with looming crises , such as the energy crisis , soc...
The construction of a greenhouse as a nursery facility with an ecotourism perspective has been carri...
Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota dan/atau Pemerintah Desa mendorong keikutsertaan masyarakat dalam penyelen...
Horticulture is the study of the cultivation of garden plants. Broadly speaking, it is the study of ...
Environmental literacy atau melek lingkungan adalah pengetahuan mekanisme lingkungan alam serta pele...
Supplementary foods beside of rice that meet the body's nutrition, among others, can be sourced from...
The yard around as the most direct way of providing daily food and a source of income for the purcha...
At present many houses have limited area. Expensive housing prices and a growing population are the ...
Horticulture plant is essential component of agricultural development. It brings benefits products h...
This study aims to analyze the development of Chrysanthemum flower cultivation at GreenHouse Patmasa...
Sustainable Food House is a program to optimize the use of environmentally friendly yards, and is de...
Seed and seedling is one of main factors in determining the product of horticultural crops. Theuse s...
Kelurahan Jempong Baru Kecamatan Sekarbela merupakan memiliki luas lahan sebesar 580 Ha. Dari luas t...
Kelompok Petani Patmasari I Desa Blarang dan Kelompok Petani Sekar Sari Desa Gendro Kecamatan Tutur ...
Abdurahman S, Ningtyas AA, Raulima A, Airiyani ML, Nasir MY, Syarifudin M, Nugraha MIA. 2022. Horti...
Currently humans are exposed to future unclear with looming crises , such as the energy crisis , soc...
The construction of a greenhouse as a nursery facility with an ecotourism perspective has been carri...
Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota dan/atau Pemerintah Desa mendorong keikutsertaan masyarakat dalam penyelen...
Horticulture is the study of the cultivation of garden plants. Broadly speaking, it is the study of ...
Environmental literacy atau melek lingkungan adalah pengetahuan mekanisme lingkungan alam serta pele...
Supplementary foods beside of rice that meet the body's nutrition, among others, can be sourced from...
The yard around as the most direct way of providing daily food and a source of income for the purcha...
At present many houses have limited area. Expensive housing prices and a growing population are the ...
Horticulture plant is essential component of agricultural development. It brings benefits products h...
This study aims to analyze the development of Chrysanthemum flower cultivation at GreenHouse Patmasa...
Sustainable Food House is a program to optimize the use of environmentally friendly yards, and is de...
Seed and seedling is one of main factors in determining the product of horticultural crops. Theuse s...
Kelurahan Jempong Baru Kecamatan Sekarbela merupakan memiliki luas lahan sebesar 580 Ha. Dari luas t...
Kelompok Petani Patmasari I Desa Blarang dan Kelompok Petani Sekar Sari Desa Gendro Kecamatan Tutur ...