Integrated technology advances towards shorter length transistors with faster operation frequencies and lower supply and threshold voltages. While these trends are pushed by digital performance, analog and RF designs do not necessarily benefit from them. Traditional high gain and high bandwidth operational amplifiers become harder to design, and thus topologies based on "digital friendly" components such as switches and capacitors can become preferable. In terms of filter design, these trends favour passive switched-capacitor networks, where active components (such as operational amplifiers) are not needed to transfer charge in between capacitors. This thesis proposes a simplified continuous-time approach for modelling, design, analysis, a...
For switched-capacitor (SC) circuits, power consumption is proportional to the number of the opamps ...
Signals in the real world contain both its wanted and unwanted information. All electronic design pr...
Switched capacitor converters have become more common in recent years. Crucial to understanding the ...
Integrated technology advances towards shorter length transistors with faster operation frequencies ...
This thesis is being archived as a Digitized Shelf Copy for campus access to current students and st...
The switched-capacitor (SC) technique is a very attractive method for implementing fully integrated...
Graduation date: 1990Digitally-programmable filters have been an ongoing research topic for a number...
Abstract—This paper deals with the design of a continuous-time common-mode feedback (CMFB) for switc...
114 p.Switched capacitor technique [1] is a well-developed technique for integrated filter design. I...
This project aims to design a low voltage, fully differential switched capacitor (SC) filter with th...
Typescript (photocopy).A technique is proposed which allows for the design of low-power integrated s...
Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality ...
Switched-capacitor filters (or 'SC filters') have been found suitable for making fully integrated el...
Switched-capacitor (SC) filters continue to improve in performance mainly through progress in the d...
The increased penetration of digital signal processing in integrated circuit (IC) technology has rel...
For switched-capacitor (SC) circuits, power consumption is proportional to the number of the opamps ...
Signals in the real world contain both its wanted and unwanted information. All electronic design pr...
Switched capacitor converters have become more common in recent years. Crucial to understanding the ...
Integrated technology advances towards shorter length transistors with faster operation frequencies ...
This thesis is being archived as a Digitized Shelf Copy for campus access to current students and st...
The switched-capacitor (SC) technique is a very attractive method for implementing fully integrated...
Graduation date: 1990Digitally-programmable filters have been an ongoing research topic for a number...
Abstract—This paper deals with the design of a continuous-time common-mode feedback (CMFB) for switc...
114 p.Switched capacitor technique [1] is a well-developed technique for integrated filter design. I...
This project aims to design a low voltage, fully differential switched capacitor (SC) filter with th...
Typescript (photocopy).A technique is proposed which allows for the design of low-power integrated s...
Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality ...
Switched-capacitor filters (or 'SC filters') have been found suitable for making fully integrated el...
Switched-capacitor (SC) filters continue to improve in performance mainly through progress in the d...
The increased penetration of digital signal processing in integrated circuit (IC) technology has rel...
For switched-capacitor (SC) circuits, power consumption is proportional to the number of the opamps ...
Signals in the real world contain both its wanted and unwanted information. All electronic design pr...
Switched capacitor converters have become more common in recent years. Crucial to understanding the ...