Abstrak. Lamanya jangka waktu belajar daring di rumah yang disebabkan oleh pamdemi virus corona menyebabkan kekhawatiran adanya learning loss atau berkurangnya pengetahuan dan juga keterampilan belajar anak (Andriani, dkk., 2021). Selain itu, dikhawatirkan juga akan adanya kehilangan dalam pendidikan nilai moral dan karakter (character loss) anak yang merupakan salah satu tujuan pendidikan (UU No. 20 Tahun 2003). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui metode dan penerapan pendidikan nilai moral dan karakter yang dilakukan oleh Guru Kelas 1 di salah satu sekolah dasar di Kota Serang. Metode yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Guru menerapkan beber...
Noble morality is the main foundation in the formation of akhlaqul karimah character. In order to fo...
Moral menjadi tolak ukur manusia dalam kehidupan, kerusakan moral peserta dididk di sebabkan oleh ku...
Abstrak Pendidikanxkarakterxmerupakanxbentuk kegiatanxmanusia yangxdi dalamnyaxterdapat suatu tindak...
The research is motivated by the authors‘ anxiety about the emergence of covid- 19 since the beginn...
AbstrakWabah virus corona menimbulkan akibat yang buruk bagi manusia. Berbagai bidang kehidupan manu...
Character education is an effort to realize the national generation intelligent and good (smartand g...
The character and attitude of students is a very essential thing in education. The nature of educati...
Character education is an important thing to be taught to students. With the outbreak of the covid19...
Pandemi dan pembelajaran daring sangat berdampak sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan sosial. P...
Nowadays, Indonesia is still experiencing pandemic issues or the Covid-19 virus outbreak. All the le...
Character Education is upahaya to realize the generation of the nation that is smart and good or has...
Counted since March 2020, learning in schools, including elementary schools, has been transferred to...
This study aims to describe the fulfillment of children's rights to get educational services during ...
The Covid-19 pandemic that hit parts of the world impacts education. The acceleration and shift of l...
The world has been shocked by the covid 19 virus, the beginning of this virus was discovered on Nove...
Noble morality is the main foundation in the formation of akhlaqul karimah character. In order to fo...
Moral menjadi tolak ukur manusia dalam kehidupan, kerusakan moral peserta dididk di sebabkan oleh ku...
Abstrak Pendidikanxkarakterxmerupakanxbentuk kegiatanxmanusia yangxdi dalamnyaxterdapat suatu tindak...
The research is motivated by the authors‘ anxiety about the emergence of covid- 19 since the beginn...
AbstrakWabah virus corona menimbulkan akibat yang buruk bagi manusia. Berbagai bidang kehidupan manu...
Character education is an effort to realize the national generation intelligent and good (smartand g...
The character and attitude of students is a very essential thing in education. The nature of educati...
Character education is an important thing to be taught to students. With the outbreak of the covid19...
Pandemi dan pembelajaran daring sangat berdampak sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan sosial. P...
Nowadays, Indonesia is still experiencing pandemic issues or the Covid-19 virus outbreak. All the le...
Character Education is upahaya to realize the generation of the nation that is smart and good or has...
Counted since March 2020, learning in schools, including elementary schools, has been transferred to...
This study aims to describe the fulfillment of children's rights to get educational services during ...
The Covid-19 pandemic that hit parts of the world impacts education. The acceleration and shift of l...
The world has been shocked by the covid 19 virus, the beginning of this virus was discovered on Nove...
Noble morality is the main foundation in the formation of akhlaqul karimah character. In order to fo...
Moral menjadi tolak ukur manusia dalam kehidupan, kerusakan moral peserta dididk di sebabkan oleh ku...
Abstrak Pendidikanxkarakterxmerupakanxbentuk kegiatanxmanusia yangxdi dalamnyaxterdapat suatu tindak...