中島川は馬町近くで一の瀬川(本流)と堂門川(西山川)に分かれる。川の分岐点から上流に高麗橋、阿弥陀橋がある。写真は中島川に架かる阿弥陀橋で、明治20年代後半(1895頃)の撮影。向かって右岸の建物に「時計工」の字が見え、店の中に時計が並べられている。店の前に水道の共用栓があり、水道敷設後の写真であることが分かる。Ichinose River (main stream) and Domon River (also called Nishiyama River) merge near Uma-machi to form Nakashima River. Korai Bridge and Amida Bridge can be seen looking upstream from this point. This photograph shows Amida Bridge over Nakashima River around 1895. The Chinese characters on the wall of the house to the right mean "watchmaker." Watches are displayed inside. The water faucet for common use indicates that this photograph was taken after the water duct was constructed