諏訪山から神戸港を望む。明治中期。彩色は異なるが目録番号4485と同じ写真。南北の道路右側の屋敷は、小寺泰次郎 (こでらやすじろう) 邸。昭和16年に この屋敷を神戸市が譲り受け「相楽園」と名付ける。泰次郎は三田藩 (さんだはん) 九鬼 (くき) 氏の家臣の出で、長男の謙吉は昭和22年 (1947) 初代の公選神戸市長となる。View of Kobe harbour from Mt. Suwa. Mid-Meiji Period. This is the same as photograph #4485, although the tinting of the buildings is different. The house surrounded by walls on the right of the main street running north-south is the residence of Kodera Yasujiro. The City of Kobe acquired this house in 1941 and named it "Sorakuen." Yasujiro was a retainer of the Kuki family in the Sanda feudal domain. His first son, Kenkichi, became the first elected mayor of Kobe City in 1947