陰暦8月15日の中秋の名月と、同9月13日の後の名月を観賞する行事。中国の風に習い平安時代に始まったが、民間でも盛んになったのは江戸時代である。薄や秋草、里芋、栗、団子などを供える。Moon viewing parties were held in Japan on the 15th of the eighth month and 13th of the ninth month on the lunar calendar. The custom originated in China and was adopted in Japan during the Heian Period. It became very popular in the Edo Period. Dumplings, chestnuts, taro, autumn flowers, and eulalia grass are offered to the full moon
Illustration of moon shinning on water and treeshttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music...
A presentation that traces the evolution of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, or the Moon Festival wi...
The Moon Festival is a Chinese traditional holiday that was brought to Taiwan by the immigrants. Loc...
Straipsnyje analizuojami liaudiškieji papročiai, kuriuose žemės ūkio darbai derinti su tam tikra mėn...
Patrons congregate for a show on the night of a full moon over Rice Auditorium.https://digitalcommon...
Print shows the view through two open sliding panels of a porch with large body of water beyond, sev...
The moon behind the Campanilehttps://scholarworks.uni.edu/unicampanile/1021/thumbnail.jp
主演:薛覺先、黃秉鏗、黃千歲、上海妹、廖俠懷、衛少芳、黃超武、小月紅Cast: Sit Kok Sin, Wong Bing Hang, Wong Chin Sui, Sheung Hoi Mui, ...
The Interpretation of a Lunar Eclipse and a Parhelion by the Jesuit Adam Schall von Bell in 17th cen...
Print shows men and women eating and entertaining while looking at the full moon at a large buildin...
The book features some Native American names for the full moon. Each month’s moon would have had dif...
Photograph of the porch used for moon viewing, Katsura Palace, Katsura Imperial Villa, Kyoto, JapanQ...
Illustration of moon shinning on water and treeshttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music...
A presentation that traces the evolution of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, or the Moon Festival wi...
The Moon Festival is a Chinese traditional holiday that was brought to Taiwan by the immigrants. Loc...
Straipsnyje analizuojami liaudiškieji papročiai, kuriuose žemės ūkio darbai derinti su tam tikra mėn...
Patrons congregate for a show on the night of a full moon over Rice Auditorium.https://digitalcommon...
Print shows the view through two open sliding panels of a porch with large body of water beyond, sev...
The moon behind the Campanilehttps://scholarworks.uni.edu/unicampanile/1021/thumbnail.jp
主演:薛覺先、黃秉鏗、黃千歲、上海妹、廖俠懷、衛少芳、黃超武、小月紅Cast: Sit Kok Sin, Wong Bing Hang, Wong Chin Sui, Sheung Hoi Mui, ...
The Interpretation of a Lunar Eclipse and a Parhelion by the Jesuit Adam Schall von Bell in 17th cen...
Print shows men and women eating and entertaining while looking at the full moon at a large buildin...
The book features some Native American names for the full moon. Each month’s moon would have had dif...
Photograph of the porch used for moon viewing, Katsura Palace, Katsura Imperial Villa, Kyoto, JapanQ...
Illustration of moon shinning on water and treeshttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music...
A presentation that traces the evolution of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, or the Moon Festival wi...