下鴨神社二の鳥居と楼門を同社参道より北に望む。左には石燈籠、右には制札と呼ばれる切妻屋根を冠した高札と、「説教」と記された高札が建つ。制札の西側には浴衣姿の男性が腕を組み立っている。制札では内務省と京都府により車馬の乗入、魚鳥の捕獲、竹木の伐採を禁じられた。周囲には大木の針葉樹を主とした糺の森が広がる。View of the second torii gate and two-story romon gate of Shimogamo Shinto Shrine from the shrine approach, facing north. On the left and right is a stone lantern and a wooden seisatsu sign with a kirizuma roof on the left. The words "Take Heed" are written on the sign in Japanese. A man wearing a yukata (summer kimono) is standing with his arms crossed on the west side of the seisatsu. The seisatsu prohibited entry to carriages, hunting, fishing and the cutting of trees and plants by order of the Department of Internal Affairs and Kyoto Prefecture. A coniferous forest with huge trees sur...