島田髷を結い、三つ紋(左・右袖、背中)が入った色留袖(いろとめそで)を着た正装姿の婦人に、女中がお茶を出すところである。一般に女中の服装は袖が短い元禄袖(げんろくそで)であるが、振袖に袴姿となっているのは、撮影の考証が間違っているのであろう。同様に掛軸のある床の間の構成や、マット状の床なども不可思議である。A maid is offering a cup of tea to a lady in formal attire. The lady is wearing a kimono with her family crest on the left and right sleeves and the back, and her hair is arranged in the "shimada" style. Maids usually wore short-sleeved kimono, but this woman is wearing a long-sleeved "furisode" and women's culottes. This may be the result of a mistake by the photographer. The layout of the alcove where a scroll is hanging and the setting of the floor with carpet-like mattresses are also odd