七五三のお祝いの記念写真であろうか。御所車の絵柄が隠れるほどにおはしょりをしているところをみると、まだ背の低い3歳のお祝いであろう。慣れないカメラの前で緊張しているのか、表情も硬く、緊張している様子が伝わり、ほほえましい。This may be a portrait taken on the "Shichi-Go-San" (celebration for 7, 5, and 3 year olds)." The way the girl's kimono is deeply tucked in suggests , that she is celebrating having reached the age of three. She seems a little nervous, her facial expression tense because she is not used to being in front of a camera. But it is still a heartwarming scene