東照宮本殿の脇にある神輿舎(しんよしゃ)を背に境内の様子を写している。画面左端が唐門。中央の奥にあるのが祈祷殿(護摩堂)。右端が八乙女が神楽を舞う神楽殿。祈祷殿と神楽殿の間に見える回廊の入口に「眠り猫」の彫刻がある。その先が奥社への参道(石段)がある。The shrine precincts are viewed from in front of the Shinyosha. Karamon is on the left. Kitodan (Goma-do) is in the centre back. The building on the right, Kaguraden, is the site of "kagura" (divine dances) by young women. The famous "Nemurineko" (sleeping cat) carving can be seen at the entrance of the corridor between Kitoden and Kaguraden. Behind the corridor is the approach (stairway) to the inner shrine