唐門は将軍に直接拝謁できる身分の幕臣や大名だけが使用した東照宮本社の正門。全体に白く胡粉が塗られ、門柱に竜の彫刻がある。正面上部の彫刻は「舜帝朝見の儀」で、1本の欅に4列27人の人物像が彫られている。手前の人物たちは東照宮例大祭の衣装を着ている。Karamon is the main gate of Toshogu Shinto Shrine. Only high ranking government officials and feudal lords, who were allowed to meet the shogun directly, could use this gate during the Edo Period. The gate was painted white with "kofun" and embellished with carvings of dragons. The inscription on the upper portion reads "Shuntei Choken-no-gi" (Emperor Shun's Morning Greetings) and consists of 27 figures carved from one zelkova tree in four rows. The people in front of the gate are wearing the costumes of the Toshogu Festival