和歌浦は歌枕の名勝地として有名。渡し船が浮かぶ水面は、古代には紀ノ川が流れ込んでいた和歌川の河口。対岸の山腹に紀三井寺を望む。写真左の小山は、紀州徳川家初代藩主頼宣が建立した海禅院のある妹背山。山下の建物は海禅院の経王堂で、山陰に観海閣と多宝塔の屋根がかすかに見えている。Wakanoura is a famous place mentioned in many literary works. A ferry boat can be seen here. This was the mouth of Waka River into which Kino River used to flow in the ancient times. Kii Miidera Temple is visible on the hillside across the water. On the left is Mt. Imose with Kaizen-in built by Yorinobu, the first feudal lord of the Tokugawa Clan of Kishu. The building at the bottom of the hill is Kyo'odo at Kaizenji, and the roofs of Kankaikaku and Tahoto Pagoda are faintly visible in the trees