明治前期の農村風景を撮った彩色写真。駄馬の背には米俵が4俵と、もう1袋。馬は小型の日本在来種。小さいが力は強い。馬を引くのは実直そうな農夫。その服装からして、季節は晩秋・初冬だろう。小屋の中には樽と桶が数個。桶は肥やしを運ぶものか。This is coloured photograph of a farming village taken in the early years of the Meiji Period. It shows four rice bags on the back of a draft horse. A small rice bag is seen on top of the other four. This draft horse is a small but powerful native species of Japan. The man in charge of the horse is a down-to-earth looking farmer. His attire suggests that it is late autumn or early winter. A few wooden barrels and pails are seen in the hut behind him. The pails may be used to carry manure