石山寺(いしやまでら)境内で撮影したもの。平安時代後期には貴族の女性らに信仰され、後には西国三十三所観音霊場の第13番札所として庶民の信仰をあつめた。奥に見える建物は、本堂と蓮如堂。画面には、寺名の由来であるごつごつとした岩山(硅灰石【けいかいせき】)が大きく写されている。The precincts of Ishiyamadera Temple. During the Heian Period (794-1192), the temple was popular among ladies of the aristocracy. It was designated later as the 13th temple in the circuit of 33 Holy Kannon Temples of Western Japan and gained popularity among commoners. The buildings visible in the background are the Main Hall and Rennyodo. The photograph emphasizes the jagged wollastonite rocks after which the temple is named ("Ishiyama" means "stone mountain")