太鼓橋は相当急坂で渡るのが一苦労。みな楽しんでいる。明治初年の写真にある太鼓橋はもっと緩やかだった。その太鼓橋が傷んで通行止めになっている明治23~25年頃撮影の写真がある。どうもその直後に本写真の急坂の太鼓橋か架けられたらしい。よって明治25年(1892)以降の写真と思われる。The steep inclination of Taiko Bridge made it hard to cross, but these people seem to be enjoying themselves. The inclination of the bridge shown in a photograph from the early Meiji Period is gentler. There is also a photograph of the bridge taken in 1890-92 when it was in such a bad state that people were not allowed to cross it. The bridge shown here was apparently built soon after that time, which means that this photograph was taken after 1892