大谷本廊入口の皎月池にかかる円通橋。安政5(1856)年、親鶯の600回忌を記念して造られた。日本唯一の真円アーチ橋で、2連の真円が池に映っている。めがね橋と呼ばれる。擬宝珠のある丸柱、丸手摺りである。The Entsu bridge over Kogetsu Pond at the entrance to the Otani Honro. It was built to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the death of Shinran in 1856. It is the only circle arch bridge in Japan. The two circles are reflected in the pond. It is also called Megane (spectacles) bridge. It has round pillars with ornamental tops, with round handrails