相模湾の小島である江ノ島は古くから霊場として信仰を集めたが、江戸時代以降、庶民の間でも参詣が流行した。幕末期の日本の写真を多く残したベアトは、この島を「絵の島」として紹介し、「ここまで足を伸ばす価値は充分にある」と書き残している。A small island in Sagami Bay, Enoshima was a place of faith from the ancient days, but after the Edo era, pilgrimage to the island also became popular among the common people. Felix Beato, who left many photos of Japan at the end of the Tokugawa era, introduced this island as the "island of pictures (E no shima)", and strongly recommended people to visit the site by writing that it is "worth a visit"