奄美大島において1972-1975年に蚊の調査を行なった.成虫は畜舎にかけたライトトラップ及び野外でのドライアイストラップにより,幼虫はその発生場所において,1年を通じて採集を行なった.その結果31種の蚊が得られた.上記の方法による採集の記録と,野外で採集した幼虫の飼育の記録とから,各々の種の,特に冬季における,生態について記載した.また,奄美大島での日本脳炎ウイルスの越冬について,伝搬蚊コガタアカイエカの生態の面から考察を加え,ウイルスの越冬が可能なのは,冬の気温が高く,蚊-豚の感染サイクルが持続する場合においてのみであると結論した.Mosquitoes were investigated on Amami-Oshima Island in 1972-1975. Adults were collected by light traps at animal shelters and by dry ice traps in the field, and larvae at their breeding sites in the whole year. In total, 31 species of mosquitoes were found. From the mosquito catches by the above methods together with the rearing records of some larvae collected in the field, the biology of each mosquito particularly in the winter time was reported. Also, the possibility of t...
The epiderniological and etiologicai evidences of Japanese encephalitis (JE) were accumulated by man...
Mosqnitoes were collected by light-trapping twice a week during nights from May through September, 1...
1964年5月19日より,同10月30日迄の間,継続的には県下南高来郡愛野町で,臨時的には西彼杵郡時津町と諌早市貝津で,夜間畜舎(牛舎,豚舎,鶏舎)で捕集した6種(Culex tritaeniorhy...
1965年5月11日より,同11月5日迄の間,県下南高来郡愛野町畜舎において,C. tritaen.の季節的消長を観察すると共に,同年4月14日より10月1日迄の間に採集したC. tritaen.♀,...
The ecology of Japanese encephalitis (JE) Virus has been investigated in Nagasaki area since 1964, i...
Mosquitoes were collected by light-trapping twice a week during nights totally 38 times from Okayama...
Serial surveys on the ecology of Japanese encephalitis virus in Nagasaki area were made during from ...
A serial survey on the ecology of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus was made in 1968. Virus isolation...
鹿児島県三島村黒島における蚊の分布調査を2010年5月に実施した。片泊の2ヶ 所と大里の6ヶ所で蚊の幼虫を採集した。幼虫の生息していた場所は様々な形状のプラ スチック容器と古タイヤであった。採集された...
Continual survey in Nagasaki prefecture were established at Kuromaru village since last year. In thi...
Background: Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by Japanese enc...
The epiderniological and etiologicai evidences of Japanese encephalitis (JE) were accumulated by man...
Mosqnitoes were collected by light-trapping twice a week during nights from May through September, 1...
1964年5月19日より,同10月30日迄の間,継続的には県下南高来郡愛野町で,臨時的には西彼杵郡時津町と諌早市貝津で,夜間畜舎(牛舎,豚舎,鶏舎)で捕集した6種(Culex tritaeniorhy...
1965年5月11日より,同11月5日迄の間,県下南高来郡愛野町畜舎において,C. tritaen.の季節的消長を観察すると共に,同年4月14日より10月1日迄の間に採集したC. tritaen.♀,...
The ecology of Japanese encephalitis (JE) Virus has been investigated in Nagasaki area since 1964, i...
Mosquitoes were collected by light-trapping twice a week during nights totally 38 times from Okayama...
Serial surveys on the ecology of Japanese encephalitis virus in Nagasaki area were made during from ...
A serial survey on the ecology of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus was made in 1968. Virus isolation...
鹿児島県三島村黒島における蚊の分布調査を2010年5月に実施した。片泊の2ヶ 所と大里の6ヶ所で蚊の幼虫を採集した。幼虫の生息していた場所は様々な形状のプラ スチック容器と古タイヤであった。採集された...
Continual survey in Nagasaki prefecture were established at Kuromaru village since last year. In thi...
Background: Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by Japanese enc...
The epiderniological and etiologicai evidences of Japanese encephalitis (JE) were accumulated by man...
Mosqnitoes were collected by light-trapping twice a week during nights from May through September, 1...