Linear transformations of the Dirac equation with two mass parameters result in "standard\u27\u27 forms of the massive, massless and tachyonic equations. These equations are used to describe neutrino mass eigenstates, which, in turn, are linearly combined to obtain flavours. This paper examines the issue of neutrino oscillations in a particular case of the model.Linearnim transformacijama Diracove jednadžbe s dvije mase izvode se “standardni” oblici jednadžbi za masena, bezmasena i tahionska stanja. Te se jednadžbe primjenjuju za opis neutrinskih svojstvenih masenih stanja i linearno se slažu radi dobivanja okusa. Ovaj rad opisuje neutrinske oscilacije za poseban slučaj ovog modela
Neutrino mixing and basics of neutrino oscillations are considered. Recent evidences in favour of ne...
AbstractThe seesaw enhancement of the bi-large mixings are discussed for the two-zero textures of th...
AbstractIn an economical system with only two heavy right-handed neutrinos, we postulate a new textu...
Linear transformations of the Dirac equation with two mass parameters result in "standard\u27\u27 fo...
The choices of the standard equations for massive, massless and tachyonic fermions are examined, on ...
AbstractIn the framework of the seesaw mechanism, and adopting a typical form for the Dirac neutrino...
We present a model where Majorana neutrino mass terms are forbidden by the flavor symmetry group Del...
We examined the minimal seesaw mechanism of 3 × 2 Dirac matrix by starting our analysis with the mas...
After a brief introduction to neutrino mass via the see-saw model I discuss neutrino mixing and osci...
The best renormalizable theory in particle physics is the Standard Model. According to this model, n...
AbstractWe classify models of the Dirac neutrino mass by concentrating on flavor structures of the m...
Working in the framework of three chiral neutrinos with Majorana masses, we investigate a scenario w...
This review contains an introduction to models of neutrino masses for non-experts. Topics discussed ...
We show that all the available experimental information involving neutrinos can be accounted for wit...
After an Introduction briefly describing the rise and fall of the three-zero texture of the Zee mode...
Neutrino mixing and basics of neutrino oscillations are considered. Recent evidences in favour of ne...
AbstractThe seesaw enhancement of the bi-large mixings are discussed for the two-zero textures of th...
AbstractIn an economical system with only two heavy right-handed neutrinos, we postulate a new textu...
Linear transformations of the Dirac equation with two mass parameters result in "standard\u27\u27 fo...
The choices of the standard equations for massive, massless and tachyonic fermions are examined, on ...
AbstractIn the framework of the seesaw mechanism, and adopting a typical form for the Dirac neutrino...
We present a model where Majorana neutrino mass terms are forbidden by the flavor symmetry group Del...
We examined the minimal seesaw mechanism of 3 × 2 Dirac matrix by starting our analysis with the mas...
After a brief introduction to neutrino mass via the see-saw model I discuss neutrino mixing and osci...
The best renormalizable theory in particle physics is the Standard Model. According to this model, n...
AbstractWe classify models of the Dirac neutrino mass by concentrating on flavor structures of the m...
Working in the framework of three chiral neutrinos with Majorana masses, we investigate a scenario w...
This review contains an introduction to models of neutrino masses for non-experts. Topics discussed ...
We show that all the available experimental information involving neutrinos can be accounted for wit...
After an Introduction briefly describing the rise and fall of the three-zero texture of the Zee mode...
Neutrino mixing and basics of neutrino oscillations are considered. Recent evidences in favour of ne...
AbstractThe seesaw enhancement of the bi-large mixings are discussed for the two-zero textures of th...
AbstractIn an economical system with only two heavy right-handed neutrinos, we postulate a new textu...