The article is devoted to Polish adverbs introducing the quantitative characterization of the participants of an event, that is, on the one hand, lexical units such as: pojedynczo, ‘one by one’, jednoosobowo ‘singly’, indywidualnie ‘individually’, samotnie ‘solitarily, alone’, solo, solowo ‘solo’ and on the other – licznie ‘in large numbers’, tłumnie ‘in crowds’, masowo ‘on a large scale’, gromadnie ‘in droves’, stadnie ‘in herds’, grupowo ‘in a grup, as a grup’, gremialnie, kolektywnie, zbiorowo ‘collectively’, kolegialnie ‘collegially’, zespołowo ‘as a team’, chóralnie ‘chorally’. The author distinguishes and briefly discusses the main oppositions that constitute and organize this subsystem of meanings. These oppositions are as follows: a...