Climate vulnerability is represented by cell color (green = low vulnerability, yellow = moderate vulnerability, orange = high vulnerability, red = very high vulnerability). Numbers indicate the number of stocks that scored in each sensitivity/exposure combination.</p
<p>Red, black, and blue lines represent the percentages of highly climate change vulnerable species ...
<p>Areas with greatest concentrations of species with high sensitivity and low adaptive capacity onl...
Data quality score definitions used in the climate vulnerability assessment of 108 marine mammal sto...
Climate vulnerability is represented by cell color (green = low vulnerability, yellow = moderate vul...
Climate vulnerability, exposure, and sensitivity of U.S. marine mammal stocks in the western North A...
Exposure factors and scoring criteria used in assessing climate vulnerabilities of 108 marine mammal...
Sensitivity attributes and scoring criteria used to assess climate vulnerabilities of 108 marine mam...
<p>For species names and functional groups see <a href="
Species in bold have at least one climate-vulnerable core area for forage resources. The last column...
Climate change and climate variability are affecting marine mammal species and these impacts are pro...
Species are ranked from highest to lowest vulnerability. * indicates non-native species. Exposure, s...
Response variable ordination used in climate vulnerability assessment of 108 stocks of marine mammal...
Leave-one-out sensitivity analysis showing how many marine mammal stocks changed climate vulnerabili...
Mean data quality scores of climate exposure factors for 108 marine mammal stocks in the western Nor...
The selected fish species are ranked per their relative vulnerability, based on freshwater fish expe...
<p>Red, black, and blue lines represent the percentages of highly climate change vulnerable species ...
<p>Areas with greatest concentrations of species with high sensitivity and low adaptive capacity onl...
Data quality score definitions used in the climate vulnerability assessment of 108 marine mammal sto...
Climate vulnerability is represented by cell color (green = low vulnerability, yellow = moderate vul...
Climate vulnerability, exposure, and sensitivity of U.S. marine mammal stocks in the western North A...
Exposure factors and scoring criteria used in assessing climate vulnerabilities of 108 marine mammal...
Sensitivity attributes and scoring criteria used to assess climate vulnerabilities of 108 marine mam...
<p>For species names and functional groups see <a href="
Species in bold have at least one climate-vulnerable core area for forage resources. The last column...
Climate change and climate variability are affecting marine mammal species and these impacts are pro...
Species are ranked from highest to lowest vulnerability. * indicates non-native species. Exposure, s...
Response variable ordination used in climate vulnerability assessment of 108 stocks of marine mammal...
Leave-one-out sensitivity analysis showing how many marine mammal stocks changed climate vulnerabili...
Mean data quality scores of climate exposure factors for 108 marine mammal stocks in the western Nor...
The selected fish species are ranked per their relative vulnerability, based on freshwater fish expe...
<p>Red, black, and blue lines represent the percentages of highly climate change vulnerable species ...
<p>Areas with greatest concentrations of species with high sensitivity and low adaptive capacity onl...
Data quality score definitions used in the climate vulnerability assessment of 108 marine mammal sto...