A Japanese manga character, Doraemon, was made by Fujiko F. Fujio in 1969, was made into animation in 1973. The main character, Doraemon, is a robot cat, and is a well-known Japanese animated character. However, Doraemon is not only regarded as an animation character but it is also used in educational and technological programs in Japan. This paper focuses on the background of Doraemon, educational and technological perspectives on Doraemon, and comparison of the original Japanese animation and the US remade version, and the animator Fujiko's dreams and hopes for Doraemon will be examined. Since Doraemon has been exported as animation and manga to overseas, perspectives toward Doraemon have changed. For example, changes of stories and chara...
This paper takes a sociological approach to the question of popular culture’s ability in Japan--spec...
The following contribution examines the influence of mangas and animes on the social perception and ...
The ubiquitous nature of digital technology has had globalization and contents sharing promoted by c...
While immense literatures examine aging and robots in Japan separately, reality has not yet reached ...
This paper sorts out the evolution and development of Japanese aesthetics chronologically, summarize...
The research, titled Doraemon Comic in Japanese-Bahasa Indonesia Translation aims to reveal the tran...
In 1896, a French cinema pioneer named George Méliès demonstrated that an object could be set to mot...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
La tesi propone l’analisi di 3 (tre) episodi del cartone animato giapponese Doraemon (La dichiarazi...
2014-06-09This dissertation is a history of the early Japanese animation industry during the first h...
For my thesis, I will be exploring the entire history of the medium of animation. Even in recent yea...
Fanworks are creative works that explicitly make use of characters and/or settings found in a copyri...
Japanese animation, or ‘Anime’ is considered a unique creative cultural product that has become a gl...
[EN] Despite its popularity, there is limited information available about the particularities of the...
[[abstract]]This thesis tried to analyze the structure of the animation“ Doraemon“ by the theory of ...
This paper takes a sociological approach to the question of popular culture’s ability in Japan--spec...
The following contribution examines the influence of mangas and animes on the social perception and ...
The ubiquitous nature of digital technology has had globalization and contents sharing promoted by c...
While immense literatures examine aging and robots in Japan separately, reality has not yet reached ...
This paper sorts out the evolution and development of Japanese aesthetics chronologically, summarize...
The research, titled Doraemon Comic in Japanese-Bahasa Indonesia Translation aims to reveal the tran...
In 1896, a French cinema pioneer named George Méliès demonstrated that an object could be set to mot...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
La tesi propone l’analisi di 3 (tre) episodi del cartone animato giapponese Doraemon (La dichiarazi...
2014-06-09This dissertation is a history of the early Japanese animation industry during the first h...
For my thesis, I will be exploring the entire history of the medium of animation. Even in recent yea...
Fanworks are creative works that explicitly make use of characters and/or settings found in a copyri...
Japanese animation, or ‘Anime’ is considered a unique creative cultural product that has become a gl...
[EN] Despite its popularity, there is limited information available about the particularities of the...
[[abstract]]This thesis tried to analyze the structure of the animation“ Doraemon“ by the theory of ...
This paper takes a sociological approach to the question of popular culture’s ability in Japan--spec...
The following contribution examines the influence of mangas and animes on the social perception and ...
The ubiquitous nature of digital technology has had globalization and contents sharing promoted by c...