Figure 2 Life-form spectrum of species found at Miniera di Murlo (Siena). The spectrum shows the categories that appear more than five times in the checklist. A Life forms of all species found in the study area B Life forms of species occurring on jasper bedrock only. Categories are according to Pignatti (1982): hemicryptophytes (H); therophytes (Th); phanerophytes (Ph); nanophanerophytes (NP); geophytes (G); chamaephytes (Ch)
Figure 2 - Hieracium portanum Belli, 2n = 36. Scale bar: 10 µm
Figure 1 - Number of individuals of Erythronium dens-canis during spring 2015 in Farnet...
FIGURE 1. A) A group of five 'dark' plants mainly of type ic–ro–cd–he according to definitions provi...
Figure 2 - Geographic range and distribution map of Saxifraga caprariae . The red points in the map ...
Figure 2 - Survivorship of MNF E. dens-canis plants in March 2015. The three major cohorts are shown...
Figure 2 - Comparison between mature calyces of Trifolium subsect. Mystillus species in I...
Figure 2 Anthyllis apennina F.Conti & Bartolucci, sp. nov. A inflorescence (Mt. Tricella, photo F. C...
Fig. 4. – Life forms percentages of the endemic flora of Gennargentu. H = hemicryptophytes; C = cham...
Figure 2 - Genista tenorei G.Don, 2n = 96. Scale bar: 10 μm
FIGURE 2. A, C, E–G) Petiole insertion (abaxial surface); B, D, H) petiole insertion detail. A–B) V....
Figure 2 Hieracium racemosum subsp. lucanum Di Grist., Domina, Gottschl. & Scafidi from Timpa Rossa ...
Figure 2 - Survivorship of MNF E. dens-canis plants in March 2015. The three major coho...
FIGURE 2. SEM micrographs of seed coat of Solenopsis laurentia subspecies. A. subsp. laurentia from ...
Figure 1 Area where the annual field trip of the working group for Floristics, Systematics and Evolu...
Figure 5 Comparison of the biological forms of wild species used in Italy (left) and in Apulia (righ...
Figure 2 - Hieracium portanum Belli, 2n = 36. Scale bar: 10 µm
Figure 1 - Number of individuals of Erythronium dens-canis during spring 2015 in Farnet...
FIGURE 1. A) A group of five 'dark' plants mainly of type ic–ro–cd–he according to definitions provi...
Figure 2 - Geographic range and distribution map of Saxifraga caprariae . The red points in the map ...
Figure 2 - Survivorship of MNF E. dens-canis plants in March 2015. The three major cohorts are shown...
Figure 2 - Comparison between mature calyces of Trifolium subsect. Mystillus species in I...
Figure 2 Anthyllis apennina F.Conti & Bartolucci, sp. nov. A inflorescence (Mt. Tricella, photo F. C...
Fig. 4. – Life forms percentages of the endemic flora of Gennargentu. H = hemicryptophytes; C = cham...
Figure 2 - Genista tenorei G.Don, 2n = 96. Scale bar: 10 μm
FIGURE 2. A, C, E–G) Petiole insertion (abaxial surface); B, D, H) petiole insertion detail. A–B) V....
Figure 2 Hieracium racemosum subsp. lucanum Di Grist., Domina, Gottschl. & Scafidi from Timpa Rossa ...
Figure 2 - Survivorship of MNF E. dens-canis plants in March 2015. The three major coho...
FIGURE 2. SEM micrographs of seed coat of Solenopsis laurentia subspecies. A. subsp. laurentia from ...
Figure 1 Area where the annual field trip of the working group for Floristics, Systematics and Evolu...
Figure 5 Comparison of the biological forms of wild species used in Italy (left) and in Apulia (righ...
Figure 2 - Hieracium portanum Belli, 2n = 36. Scale bar: 10 µm
Figure 1 - Number of individuals of Erythronium dens-canis during spring 2015 in Farnet...
FIGURE 1. A) A group of five 'dark' plants mainly of type ic–ro–cd–he according to definitions provi...