Figure 2 - Comparison between mature calyces of Trifolium subsect. Mystillus species in Italy (bar = 1 mm). Left: Trifolium vesiculosum (A) and Trifolium spumosum (A'), middle Trifolium multistriatum transitional (B) and typical (B') forms, right Trifolium mutabile s.str. (C) and Trifolium mutabile var. gussoneanum (C')
Figure 3 Holotype of Anthyllis apennina F.Conti & Bartolucci (APP No. 59652, reproduced with permiss...
FIGURE 4. Euphorbia humistrata (individuals cultivated at Giardino dei Semplici of Florence, Tuscany...
Figure 2 - Survivorship of MNF E. dens-canis plants in March 2015. The three major coho...
Figure 2 Anthyllis apennina F.Conti & Bartolucci, sp. nov. A inflorescence (Mt. Tricella, photo F. C...
Figure 2 Life-form spectrum of species found at Miniera di Murlo (Siena). The spectrum shows the cat...
Figure 2 Hieracium racemosum subsp. lucanum Di Grist., Domina, Gottschl. & Scafidi from Timpa Rossa ...
FIGURE 2. Trifolium elazizense from dry specimen: a, infructescence and single dry flower; b, calyx ...
Figure 2 - Genista tenorei G.Don, 2n = 96. Scale bar: 10 μm
Figure 2 - Hieracium portanum Belli, 2n = 36. Scale bar: 10 µm
Figure 2 Temporal coverage of the "Segetal flora of Italy" dataset (occurrences per year)
Figure 6 Boxplots expressing morphological variation between Anthyllis apennina (APE) and A. pulchel...
Figure 2 - Survivorship of MNF E. dens-canis plants in March 2015. The three major cohorts are shown...
FIGURE 2. SEM micrographs of seed coat of Solenopsis laurentia subspecies. A. subsp. laurentia from ...
Figure 1 Distribution map of Anthyllis apennina and A. pulchella according to the analyzed material
Figure 7 AAnthyllis apennina, Mt. Tricella, Abruzzo, Italy (photo F. Conti) BAnthyllis vulneraria su...
Figure 3 Holotype of Anthyllis apennina F.Conti & Bartolucci (APP No. 59652, reproduced with permiss...
FIGURE 4. Euphorbia humistrata (individuals cultivated at Giardino dei Semplici of Florence, Tuscany...
Figure 2 - Survivorship of MNF E. dens-canis plants in March 2015. The three major coho...
Figure 2 Anthyllis apennina F.Conti & Bartolucci, sp. nov. A inflorescence (Mt. Tricella, photo F. C...
Figure 2 Life-form spectrum of species found at Miniera di Murlo (Siena). The spectrum shows the cat...
Figure 2 Hieracium racemosum subsp. lucanum Di Grist., Domina, Gottschl. & Scafidi from Timpa Rossa ...
FIGURE 2. Trifolium elazizense from dry specimen: a, infructescence and single dry flower; b, calyx ...
Figure 2 - Genista tenorei G.Don, 2n = 96. Scale bar: 10 μm
Figure 2 - Hieracium portanum Belli, 2n = 36. Scale bar: 10 µm
Figure 2 Temporal coverage of the "Segetal flora of Italy" dataset (occurrences per year)
Figure 6 Boxplots expressing morphological variation between Anthyllis apennina (APE) and A. pulchel...
Figure 2 - Survivorship of MNF E. dens-canis plants in March 2015. The three major cohorts are shown...
FIGURE 2. SEM micrographs of seed coat of Solenopsis laurentia subspecies. A. subsp. laurentia from ...
Figure 1 Distribution map of Anthyllis apennina and A. pulchella according to the analyzed material
Figure 7 AAnthyllis apennina, Mt. Tricella, Abruzzo, Italy (photo F. Conti) BAnthyllis vulneraria su...
Figure 3 Holotype of Anthyllis apennina F.Conti & Bartolucci (APP No. 59652, reproduced with permiss...
FIGURE 4. Euphorbia humistrata (individuals cultivated at Giardino dei Semplici of Florence, Tuscany...
Figure 2 - Survivorship of MNF E. dens-canis plants in March 2015. The three major coho...