188. Horn-skinned Serotine Eptesicus floweri French: Sérotine de Flower / German: \Warzen-Breitflligelfledermaus / Spanish: Eptesicus de Flower Other common names: Flower’s Serotine, Horn-skinned Bat, Sudan Horn-skinned Bat Taxonomy. Glauconycteris flower: de Winton, 1901, “Wad Mariun [= Wad Madani] about 12 miles [= 19 km] from Khartoum on White Nile,” Sudan. Eptesicus floweri is often included in a separate subgenus, Rhinopterus, butits systematic position in relation to other Eptesicus 1s uncertain. Monotypic. Distribution. E Sudan and one record from SE Mauritania; possibly also known from Mali, although these specimens may represent a different species. Descriptive notes. Head-body c.45-47 mm, tail 34-36 mm, ear 10 ...