178. Big Brown Bat Eptesicus fuscus French: Sérotine brune / German: Grol3e Braune Breitfligelfledermaus / Spanish: Eptesicus bruno Taxonomy. Vespertilio fuscus Palisot de Beauvois, 1796, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Eptesicus as currently defined is paraphyletic with respect to Histiotus, which is closely related to the New World Eptesicus. Histiotus is recognized as a distinct genus here based on its morphological distinctions, and Eptesicus will likely be split into multiple genera in the near future to avoid paraphyly. Eleven subspecies currently recognized. Subspecies and Distribution. E.f.fuscusPalisotdeBeauvois,1796—SECanadaandEUSA. E.f.bahamensisG.S.Miller,1897—Bahamas(NewProvidenceandSanSalvadorIs). E.f.bernar...
Biodiversity can be boosted by colonization of new habitats, such as different continents and remote...
58. Surat Helmeted Bat Cassistrellus dimissus French: Vespertilion de Surat Thani / German: Su...
172. Transparent-winged Big-eared Brown Bat Histiotus diaphanopterus French: Sérotine diaphane...
179. Guadeloupe Serotine Eptesicus guadeloupensis French: Sérotine de Guadeloupe / German: Gua...
Eptesicus Rafinesque, 1820 Vespertilio: Schreber, 1774 : pl. 53; part; not Vespertilio Linnaeus, ...
170. Humboldt’s Big-eared Brown Bat Histiotus humboldti French: Sérotine de Humboldt / German:...
245. Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat Corynorhinus rafinesquii French: Oreillard de Rafinesque / Ger...
201. Thick-eared Serotine Eptesicus pachyotis French: Sérotine a oreilles épaisses / German: D...
246. Townsend's Big-eared Bat Corynorhinus townsendii French: Oreillard de Townsend / German: ...
Eptesicus fuscus (Beauvois, 1796). Cat. Raisonne Mus. Peale Philadelphia, p. 18. TYPE LOCALITY: US...
199. Gobi Serotine Eptesicus gobiensis French: Sérotine de Gobi / German: Gobi-Breitflligelfle...
203. Tricolored Bat Perimyotis subflavus French: Blondin de Cuvier / German: Dreifarb-Zwergfle...
En Sudamérica se distribuyen ocho especies de murciélagos del género Eptesicus de las cuales cuatro ...
173. Strange Big-eared Brown Bat Histiotus alienus French: Sérotine de Santa Catarina / German...
213. Thomas's Yellow Bat Rhogeessa io French: Rhogeessa de Thomas / German: Thomas-Gelbflederm...
Biodiversity can be boosted by colonization of new habitats, such as different continents and remote...
58. Surat Helmeted Bat Cassistrellus dimissus French: Vespertilion de Surat Thani / German: Su...
172. Transparent-winged Big-eared Brown Bat Histiotus diaphanopterus French: Sérotine diaphane...
179. Guadeloupe Serotine Eptesicus guadeloupensis French: Sérotine de Guadeloupe / German: Gua...
Eptesicus Rafinesque, 1820 Vespertilio: Schreber, 1774 : pl. 53; part; not Vespertilio Linnaeus, ...
170. Humboldt’s Big-eared Brown Bat Histiotus humboldti French: Sérotine de Humboldt / German:...
245. Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat Corynorhinus rafinesquii French: Oreillard de Rafinesque / Ger...
201. Thick-eared Serotine Eptesicus pachyotis French: Sérotine a oreilles épaisses / German: D...
246. Townsend's Big-eared Bat Corynorhinus townsendii French: Oreillard de Townsend / German: ...
Eptesicus fuscus (Beauvois, 1796). Cat. Raisonne Mus. Peale Philadelphia, p. 18. TYPE LOCALITY: US...
199. Gobi Serotine Eptesicus gobiensis French: Sérotine de Gobi / German: Gobi-Breitflligelfle...
203. Tricolored Bat Perimyotis subflavus French: Blondin de Cuvier / German: Dreifarb-Zwergfle...
En Sudamérica se distribuyen ocho especies de murciélagos del género Eptesicus de las cuales cuatro ...
173. Strange Big-eared Brown Bat Histiotus alienus French: Sérotine de Santa Catarina / German...
213. Thomas's Yellow Bat Rhogeessa io French: Rhogeessa de Thomas / German: Thomas-Gelbflederm...
Biodiversity can be boosted by colonization of new habitats, such as different continents and remote...
58. Surat Helmeted Bat Cassistrellus dimissus French: Vespertilion de Surat Thani / German: Su...
172. Transparent-winged Big-eared Brown Bat Histiotus diaphanopterus French: Sérotine diaphane...