modification to COV-IRT programs bit-cov-combine-go-summaries-with-domains and bit-cov-summarize-go-annots-w-domains for the tea
<p>updating bit-dl-ncbi-assemblies to be able to pull feature tab, stats, and reports too</...
<ul> <li>updating <code>bit-summarize-assembly</code></li> </ul>
<ul> <li>added <code>bit-GL-combine-contig-tax-tables</code></li> <...
<p>modification to COV-IRT programs bit-cov-combine-go-summaries-with-domains and bit-cov-summ...
script to combine GO summarization files added more summary programs for covirt added (incorporating...
<ul> <li>added <code>bit-cov-propagate-go-terms</code></li> </ul>
improved bit-summarize-assembly, adding -v and --version flags to all python scripts (can still get ...
adding new DBs and programs for working with GO! bit-get-go-term-info bit-slim-down-go-terms bit-s...
added bit-filter-KOFamScan-results program added bit-GL-combine-KO-and-tax-table
adding new DBs and programs for working with GO! bit-get-go-term-info bit-slim-down-go-terms bit-s...
adding transpose option to bit-summarize-assembly output table and handling full paths bette
<ul> <li>added taxonkit</li> <li>added entrez-direct</li> <li>ad...
<p>adding <code>bit-kraken2-to-taxon-summaries</code> and <code>bit-combine-...
<p>updating bit-dl-ncbi-assemblies to be able to pull feature tab, stats, and reports too</...
<p>updating bit-dl-ncbi-assemblies to be able to pull feature tab, stats, and reports too</...
<ul> <li>updating <code>bit-summarize-assembly</code></li> </ul>
<ul> <li>added <code>bit-GL-combine-contig-tax-tables</code></li> <...
<p>modification to COV-IRT programs bit-cov-combine-go-summaries-with-domains and bit-cov-summ...
script to combine GO summarization files added more summary programs for covirt added (incorporating...
<ul> <li>added <code>bit-cov-propagate-go-terms</code></li> </ul>
improved bit-summarize-assembly, adding -v and --version flags to all python scripts (can still get ...
adding new DBs and programs for working with GO! bit-get-go-term-info bit-slim-down-go-terms bit-s...
added bit-filter-KOFamScan-results program added bit-GL-combine-KO-and-tax-table
adding new DBs and programs for working with GO! bit-get-go-term-info bit-slim-down-go-terms bit-s...
adding transpose option to bit-summarize-assembly output table and handling full paths bette
<ul> <li>added taxonkit</li> <li>added entrez-direct</li> <li>ad...
<p>adding <code>bit-kraken2-to-taxon-summaries</code> and <code>bit-combine-...
<p>updating bit-dl-ncbi-assemblies to be able to pull feature tab, stats, and reports too</...
<p>updating bit-dl-ncbi-assemblies to be able to pull feature tab, stats, and reports too</...
<ul> <li>updating <code>bit-summarize-assembly</code></li> </ul>
<ul> <li>added <code>bit-GL-combine-contig-tax-tables</code></li> <...